4 ilgm blue dream fem photos pure coco useing ro water cal mag and sensi grow and bloom coco formula verging under 150watt mars hydro ts1000 flowering in 4x4 under mars hydro tsl2000 300 wats and 2x Optic 1 xls 100wats each once in flower tent I will hook up to auto feed system I’m going to flower them in 3 gal smart pots or 5gal black buckets with holes drilled in them for boot leg air pots I plan on vegging at least 7 weeks I really wana hit the 1lb mark hears the girls day 1 veg their the small ones in the back
I’m starting them off on 250 ppms then bump up 50 ppms every week and watch run off and adjust accordinglyDo you recommend coco fibre? I’ve bought a load of it and some perlite to try for my next bunch for the first time
I heard on forum that perilite is good for flowering. @Se7en
@Buddernugz I like your 4 little ladies. Beautiful
Ahh nice thanks bro !
I’m sure there may be something I don’t know, but, from my understanding, you should always mix perlite with coco since coco is just a nutrient free medium, you need a way for the medium to get air. Perlite adds the air pockets.
Again, my limited knowledge is just that.
Maybe @Myfriendis410 can explain what you want to know if I haven’t.
Pure coco is best for small pots like 3 gal and under you just dial back the watering once they get root bound in the pots you can water 5times a day with no issues
Thank you the big ones are black widows
So I’m chopping down my flower tent Saturday so I will be moving my black widows in the 4x4 and get them on auto feed and flip them right to flower I just thought about it…8-9 weeks I’ll have them in that tent untill their done so I’ll have to veg my blue dream 8-9 weeks…in a 2.5x2.5x55 tent so I’ll have to do a lot of heavy training to stunt them a lil bit what I might do is keep one in their and flower that tent idk gota figure it out soon though
When the master plan and timing works out, no problem - smooth sailing. When it doesn’t there is always a plan B and C
Hit the nail right on the head my friend lol
@Buddernugz Oh no, I don’t like Spiders !! Lol
Ya I’m in the same boat my guy they freak me out lol
What was that all about you stripping her completely naked?? @Buddernugz
Coco tends to compact and when it dries out it is hydrophilic. So more perlite (or vermiculite which adds calcium) to make it more fluffy and never let coco completely dry out.
Ya coco is awesome just gota keep em wet and that technique is called swazzing you remove everything but growth tips right before flower then again at week 3 it helps get air and light to lower nodes and sends the plant into overdrive in 7 days I’ll post a pic of her she will explode from that shock watch it’s crazy how they respond to it. Some people swear doing any leaf stripping is bad but I’ve seen first hand how much lard and airy buds form under a dense canopy if they ain’t getting light they won’t be all they can be direct light contact=ideal growth rates and development that’s why low stress training works so well your opening up the canopy so light hits lower buds so they can grow and mature instead of loose airy buds
The science doesn’t support ‘Swazzing’. I’ll stick with a healthy whole plant that’s green all the way to harvest. 7/8 lb from a 7 gallon pot of Promix and GH nutes in 5 1/2 months. Kinda hard to beat that.
Do utrain at all? No leaf come off at all the whole grow?
Sure, I manage my plants but I do it mindfully to remove as little sugar producing leaf material as possible. It’s kind of counter-intuitive when you think about it: leaves produce the sugars the plant needs to flower heavily. Remove the leaves, that removes plant sugars from production and plant yields suffer.
I remove some fan leaves at about 21 days in flower, then again selectively over time. Eventually all first gen fan leaves go away and in some cases by late flower (when you don’t need the leaves) it has adopted a more ‘swazz’ look to it. But not always.