Blue cheese AUTO

I’ve run BC and BC Auto from ILGM. Personally one of my favorite strains.

One BC AUTO came out of dirt in 48hrs! and NOW at day 38 at 44”!!! It’s next to my normal Bc which is around 33”.

This plant has been a pain in the ass since it started. Same pot. Same everything side by side for a while and it’s wanted whatever I give it. I can give it 10ML of AN CONN A&b and it still wants more. It’s never happy and leaves Rarely pray to the light sitting right next to another BC and Banner auto happy as clams praying to the light.

Is this a rare phenotype of BC?? Buds are smaller than the one right next to it. Same tent, same soil, same everything.

I’ve never seen such a unhappy and never satisfied plant in my life. Does anyone know about these BC phenotypes?? It popped a full 24 and 48 hours before all the other seeds I planted.

315 CHM light @ 600W/3x3 tent and experienced grower.

Maybe it will be good weed but I can always tell the buds are smaller than the other BC and Banners planted same day.