Best room humidity gauge?

Hello folks I have 4 humidity gauges and all 4 read different. I just bought a new Inkbird and also a new Govee blue tooth to read humidity and temp remotely. The Govee is reading about 10 % humidity different than the Inkbird. Is there a way to determine which one is correct ? And what brand of gauge do you pros use for indoor growing? Thanks, Buddy53

I use this

I use the same as NYDon. They can be off a couple of points, but if you keep that in mind… It gives a relatively good reading.


I like my SensorPush sensor. Remote, and keeps record of what happened when I was gone.


I use that one as well. Love it.

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I put a bunch of my cheapo hydrometers I use in jars in a double ziplock with some 62% boveda packs. Gave them a couple days. I tossed a couple because they were really off. Kept those in the 59 - 65% range

@MrPeat I am cloud adverse, will this directly download to my laptop. Oh I also hate phones and do not use them for anything other than talk and text
I do want to have better record of temp & humidity in my closet


I use this Bluetooth enabled Govee. It seems accurate based on the others I have, and I love the records it keeps. (And no cloud, it stores the data)

I was planned on using a google temp sensor I bought a 3 pack and have a extra one. Showes the temp and humidity. And I can check in thru my home app. Hope it works.

No clue. The Sensor Push I use is Wifi and Blu-tooth for the iPhone.

Computer…no clue but I would write an email to them for verification.

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I am tech illiterate. I have seen something called a logger by Extech. Looks like something I can handle with a USB connection.

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Anything that is Bluetooth enabled will probably work. @beardless

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had to DO some scrollin’ back in my journal because i KNEW at least ONE pic had it in it, but this vintage 60s or 70s thermo/hygro wall hanger is still accurate as can be. similar “analog” el cheapo devices that came with el cheapo lights register SO much different but i very much trust this oldie but goodie :slight_smile:


I use a bunch of different meters…
Digital and manual…
Not really knowing which one is wrong , I assume that I can believe the meters that are in the middle of all measurements…
Best I got…
:v: :sunglasses:


Thanks everyone for your replies. I have a Govee and took it outside where The Weather Channel was saying 80% humidity and Govee was saying 90%. Took my Inkbird out there also and Inkbird read close to what The Weather Channel was saying. So I will use the Inkbird and when I use the WiFi on the Govee while I am away I will just factor in the 10% high reading. Thanks again, Buddy53

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