I have a 36x48x70 grow tent with a 300 watt LED full spectrum light. I have ordered 5 feminized somango xxl seeds from nirvana. Unfortunately other fees have come up and i dont have enough money to afford good soil like fox farm. And i know I’m risking my yield and overall quality using some sort of cheap brand but can i get any recommendations? I know miracle grow has a variety of outcomes because of the time releasing nutes but I’m fine with a little sacrifice
NO MIRACLE GROW ANYTHING, EVER, FOR CANNABIS. Check with your local farmers market or plant nursery. You might be able to trade some sweat equity for soil.
I’ve heard people using black gold which is pretty readily available from most hardware stores or local grow shops. I would stear clear from soil with time release if it were me. If you do get a soil with time release just remember it’s in there so you don’t over feed them.
Look, here is the deal…
If you dont have the funds to get anything , then miracle grow it is…
I would just plant them in it and not feed anything for at least 3 months…
There are better options for sure, but if thats your only option go for it…
It will grow ok, no worries…I make my own substrate, but I know people growing in miracle grow pretty successfully…
Just dont feed them any coctails for at least 3 months…
Possibly look at a less expensive organic soil and add some worm castings and vermiculite. Maybe a bit of mushroom compost?
Go to Lowe’s or h Depot if you’re in city as they have good inexpensive organic soil. You and your girls will be much happier. Miracle grow scares me due to the time release as the girls need special nutes at different times of growth and you don’t want to add more if stuff is already being released in soil. I added worm castings and a little coir to my black gold.
My local Lowes only has Jiffy brand for seedlings and its a soilless mix. EVERY thing else is Miracle grow. That’s ALL they carry.
Really, are you also out in the sticks?
Not at all. I live in the 2nd biggest County in the US.
I had to look it up, as I was wrong. I do live in the biggest county in the US.
Wow, I had to drive an hour to get soil but thought it was because of where I lived. Is it gonna be legal for you?
Legal as in legal to grow where I am? Yes. Im in California. I have three Hydro stores within 10 miles of my house. One just three miles away. Its just that my local Lowes carries nothing but Miracle Grow for some reason.
Its because the big corporations are already dividing the MJ market teritory…
Obviously Lowes will carry and sell Miracle grow…
Others will carry something else.
Here in Siskiyou county its very clear, everybody is jumping on this train, just waiting for the local churches to start growing
I use Miracle-Gro Moisture control and haven’t had issues with burning. I start feeding Cal Mag once a week after 18-20 days from emerging and no issues.
@Rugar89, do you have a Home Depot? They carry Black Magic soil which is specifically made for mj. Not too bad at around $16 a bag.
Yes we do have Home Depot.
I actually have Fox Farms from the Hydro store for the same price. Thanks for the heads up though.
Thanks guys. This is just my kickstart for growing. I know miracle grow sucks but ill just have to make it do
You completely understand
Yes I do, you do great, go slow and steady, the most problems are caused by overfeeding…
It mineralizes the soil, get things out of balance then you in vicious cirle of correcting always something…
For flowering , I used 1 cup of 0-7-0 Indonesian bat guano, just top dressed the pot…and 1 cup of kelp …
And thats all you need, its a weed
So what i noticed about the thing with miracle grow is its too hot for younger plants or something like that so i grabbed this composted manure and it has .05 for each npk and i was thinking since its a lower ratio it would make my soil a bit less full of nutrients. Is this fine? I would send a pic but idk how
Composted manure is excellent amendment, as long as its really composted…