I seen someone on here before had these special bags that help dry the product they were black … anyone know what I’m talking about ? Thanks everyone happy growing
They are called grove bags. Love them.
Thanks man how do they work?
They don’t help dry the bud. They cure the bud without the need for burping. And they keep the bud fresh. I have some that are nearly 6 months cured and smell like I just put them in there.
Right I was just looking at them … what RH do I need ? So how do I do the process obviously cut the bud down then what ? Sorry for being a pain
You’re not a pain. You cut and dry as normal. When you’re in the cure zone 58-62% you bag them up and forget about it. A good way to tell if your bud is dry enough is to get a moisture meter. You stick the probes in the bud and when your meter reads 10-12% moisture, you’re in the cure zone and ready to bag them up. Really takes the guess work out of drying. This is the one I had laying around
Boveda 58% RH 2-Way Humidity Control | Size 67 in 4-Count Resealable Bag Amazon.com
Are these it?
No those are humidity packs. Just search grove bags in google or go to grovebags dot com
And dont use humidity packets with the grove bags it’s better to just establish humidity with leaves and orange rind go the grove bag website store and go to build your own box your going to want mostly 1/2 lb bags
Just ordered a bunch of the bags over the weekend. Can’t wait to give them a try
They’re pretty remarkable. I was shocked actually. And don’t have to burp a bunch of jars every day.
I was trying to hold out and keep going with the jars but it’s becoming a PITA. Mr Vet does all the burping but I feel a little bad for him
Are the Grove bags zip lock or vacuum sealed? Do you need a specific heat sealer device?
I would love to find an alternative to the Mason jars and all the burping. I like the Oz per container but the ease of storage would also be a plus.
They have zip lock but can also be heat sealed for long term storage.
I bought a 200pk off amazon for like 19 bucks or something close. They r half oz bags can fit a good quantity in them at once. They do have bigger and smaller also. Works great for cure so far
@Mark0427 I cannot seem to find them on Amazon… Would you please post the link?
You can link Amazon @Mark0427
@Not2SureYet sent me a variety of Grove bags to try: got two of the 1 pound in use now and no issues so far. Going to do the last of the Durban Thai/Cindy 99 this week in Grove bags as well.
If ur asking me yes u can as long as no .coms follow anywhere that i know of.