BadFish First Grow: AK47 and Bubblegum

What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed: ILGM beginner mixed pack - AK47, Bubblegum, and White Widow. Photo period.

Method: started in a rapid rooter transplanted in Fox farms ocean forest potting soil.

Vessels: moved rapid rooter to solo cups. Will be moving to 3 gallon air pots for final home.

PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable): PH of water used is 6.6. Using PH down to get my tap water into spec. Have not tested run off yet.

PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable: Have not used nutrients yet but have Fox farms grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom. Also have calimagic.

Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor. Tent 5x5x8.

Light system: LED Viparspectra PAR 1200.

Temps: Day 76F Night 68F

Humidity: 55RH

Ventilation system: Yes, 6" inline fan. 442 CFM. With a carbon filter. I have not started using it yet.

AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: I have a humidifier and a heater inside the tent.

Co2: No

Hello everyone,
I am a brand new first time grower with no knowledge of how to grow or take care of plants. I have researched before starting but have had some bumps starting the plants up into the seedling stage.

My AK47 seedling looks like it has burnt tips on it’s leafs. The seedlings growth also appears to be very slow or stopped.

My Bubblegum plant has slightly yellow tips on the leafs but it’s growth seems to be picking up over the last few days and it looks pretty good.

I killed the White Widow when it was sprouting. It was having a hard time getting out of the rapid rooter and was looping back down in the whole I tried to pull it back in the right direction and snapped it in half so I have dropped another widow seed in a rapid rooter on 1/25 to try again.

Bubblegum and AK47 both sprouted around 1/18 not positive on that date and were transplanted to solo cups on 1/25.

Two mistakes I think I have made thus far:

Due to not knowing what to do with the light for some reason I decided the light needed to be closer after the plants were about 4 days above ground. Impatiance had a role to play for sure as I thought they were growing slowly. I dropped the light down to 12 inches above the ground and had veg setting up to 75% bloom at 50%. I think this may be where the plants started to suffer I had them in a dome and they were in the rapid rooters. I left the light that way for a full day. The next day I decided they didn’t like it and to the light up to 48 inches above ground and settings to 50% veg and about 40% bloom. That is where I have kept it since then.

Also when I transplanted to solo cups on 1/25 I watered until run off. I think this was to much water from what I’ve read afterward. Since then all I have done is mist the soil and the plant once a day. The AK47 looks a little dry so I will probably sparingly water both plants tomorrow.

Any comments or advice in general is welcomed and greatly appreciated.

The pictures below were taken today 1/30.



My set up:


How small are these baby’s for roughly two and a half weeks old?

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Should be ok wet them damp if it’s a midget still give it love everybody rocking the tents :tent: gonna have look into them

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@BadFish Welcome to the forum it is a great place to be. I started my first grow mid December and I can tell you the first few weeks were nerve racking. Your plants look good. I will give you the same advice I recieved water very little at this stage the really need less than you think. Looking at pictures the soil still looks plenty wet, just keep misting them. One thing you could do to convince yourself is fill another cup with soil and compare the weight. That will give you a good idea of how wet the soil is in the plants. At this point the plants are developing roots and while the don’t look like the are growing they are, you don’t want to drown these roots. Too much water will displace the oxygen around the roots. I ordered the same starter pack and I recieved autos by mistake. They made it right but it took some work. Enjoy the grow and the site lots of great people here, we all want each other to succeed. If you have any questions just ask.


Cut some holes into the bottom of the sides like a pot would have so it can drain after watering. Let the top soil dry out before watering again. Make sure the PH is at 6.5 and transplant within a week if they still look good.


Thank you very much for the advice. Do you grow out side?

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Yes I do I started growing outside but I live in Canada can only do 6 months of summer

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@BadFish FFOF is really hot soil for seedlings maybe mix with a little something else next time, and your light should be 22 to 30 inches or so and at this stage 4 or 5 good squirts around the base 3 to 5 times a day ( keep moist not soaked) and them babies will take off and grow like a weed, oh wait it is weed hum. Welcome to the forum and have some fun.


Thank you. That’s good info. How did you find out that you had mistakenly been sent autos? Also thank you for the tag to your grow thread I am going to just over there and read that tonight.

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Thank you. Watering definitely seems to be tricky for some beginners I think I was on the way to over watering before I read some of your guys post.

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Thanks for the warm welcome to you guys are awesome. I will move the light down closer to 30 inches in the morning. Also I’ll look into trying a mixture for the White widow when it sprouts.


I ordered the auto mix Pak and noticed that he had some of the same part numbers.


Change lights. Go to Wally World. Get those cheap LED flood lights. Then pop lens cover off. This is a COB type :bulb:. They work extra well on seedling at 12” from plant. Make sure your red cups got drainage holes. They pick up a little quicker if you set the cups over in 1/4 inch water. That way you don’t worry about watering and transplant once water cups are sitting in dry up. Perfect timing.
Not worries of over watering. I’ve ran my seedling in 250 mL pot until the get 6” tall. Your choice of big plants or little plants. I transplant 3 times. Sprout to 250mL, sprout to 1 gallon and last sprout to 3 gal. I strive to keep my plants square @ 3x3


Yay another bubblegum grower. They looking good I have bubblegum in my tent atm u should come check my journal out. Also I would get your ph down to around 6.2 will be better n uptake and you will start seeing some great growth with that light at 30 inches. I would follow the instructions with the light on distance to keep from seedlings. I run 2 of the par 450 dimmable viparspectra in my tent. Followed the instructions and the growth was amazing. I started my grow on the 2nd of November and I’m going on my 7th week of flowering. 2nd grow first scrog green crack/bubblegum


I think the other members have you set. Get some holes around bottom of that cup and don’t keep them so wet.


Thanks picked up the led flood light yesterday. I will definitely try this with the White Widow if it pops up.

I think you are right about the PH. I’m going to the leaves on my AK47 look funny like they are krinkled and I think it’s because I need to get into that lower PH range for some nutrients to be better absorbed.

By the way that’s for the link to your journal. I read the whole thing. You grow current grow is amazing. Very inspiring what you have done.

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2/3. updated pictures of these seedlings. They are growing but still very slowly from what I anticipated but I had no frame of reference since this is my first time.



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Thank u very much. Lots of time spent in the tent.