Back from Vacation and starting 1st Grow

Got further in the article and it says as temperatures reach 80 it can cause stems to stretch. This I didn’t know. So maybe it isn’t your light but the temperatures itself. Might be worth moving the two out of the grow dome? Might be good to get second opinion though. :smile:

I have the HLG 650 on it’s lowest setting and about 24” above seed dome, blurple is level with 650, but just on veg. I really wanted to turn on the 650r, but I was afraid to burn the seedlings out.

Would it be too early to pot the 2 up to a gallon pot? I have solo cups as well.

@Watt-Sun @Bulldognuts @Covertgrower

On a side note, I ordered the HLG 30 UVA light to add to 650r for flowering. I believe I will now have my 4x4 maxed out for light.

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If you were growing autos I’d say get them in their final pot. I’m a fan of graduating up . I would go to a solo cup from here and then a 1 gal cloth pot , then a 5 gal. Little plants in big pots are boring :joy: they spend all that time digging roots with no visual reward for your . Either way would be fine, since you are in coco and There’s no real threat of over watering. :v:


When I do pot up, I will be dusting the root plug in Wykos and Azos, which I’ve heard really help roots take off.

From the link you shared @OhHeyThere I think I may move at least the two to a solo cup tonight, but I’m too nervous to try cutting away the root riot.

I thought you just transplanted keeping the riot rooter on the plant? Probably different for soil/coco. Could you leave the riot root on for the cup transplant and remove it when you go to 1 gal?

yeah, don’t do that

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No worries @Watt-Sun.

I did pot up to solo cups. Each cup is spaced up by a half inch piece of pvc. ME Cocolite with Azos and Mykos dusting the root riots. Each pot was given 60 ml of 208 ppm nutrient solution from prior post spreadsheet.

My lights were likely too high. 36” above seeds. Now lowered to 24” above the rim of the solo cups. 650r still set to minimum.

Lights go on in 2 hours, I’ll check moisture of coco before then.

Anything I’m missing? I really do appreciate the feedback, and I do have pretty thick skull…I mean skin. :joy:

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There was a section saying remove all of the medium off the root and replant(seedlings.)

Looking good. Nice strong tap root :+1:

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Thanks! Hopefully the others take off now. :crossed_fingers:t2:

Still not totally certain the light is set appropriately. @Hellraiser Is 24” above canopy on lowest setting be correct for a 650r?

I’ve always had the best luck staring seedlings with cfl’s. You Can get them super close And not worry

I probably have some laying around somewhere. I’m confident in the measurement of nutrient solution, so I thought maybe they were reaching for more light. It was 24” above plastic shell, which had vents closed and saturated with condensation. Now it’s 24” above solo cup lip under plastic shell.

I will pay attention to temperature fluctuations tomorrow to see if that may have been the cause.

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She’s a little tall but the stem is sturdy and not all wire-y. :+1:

Went out of town yesterday overnight. The two plants that popped are doing ok. Still nothing from the other two. If they don’t show signs in the next day or so, I’ll wet a couple more seeds in water.

Also picked up a couple clip lights and put cfl bulbs directly on top of the humidity dome. One place over each plant.

Mixed up a fresh batch of nutes at 203 ppm. Added an Azos slurry to the mix.


I’d use lowest setting at 30" or so, that 650r is a monster.

Thanks a lot @Hellraiser. I’ve got about 650 more posts to read in your gorilla thread. I’m learning a lot; thank you for your willingness to share knowledge!

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Lights will be on soon. The 2 are doing ok, but nothing from the other 2. I dropped 3 more seeds, but I put them in small Tupperware containers with 1 tbsp azos and 2 tbsp distilled water at 1:00 pm. Just checked cloudy they are in, and the seeds have dropped in all three containers!!i plan to leave them alone until tomorrow, then, I was planning to pot them in solo cups. I’ll put azos and makos in the hole, and water with 200 ppm solution. Following guys schedule at 1/4 strength with wk2 rapid start and mammoth P. Mammoth P gets added after ph’d.

It’s now been 24 hrs since I dropped seeds in Azos slurry. Would you put them right into solo cups or wrap them in moist paper towel for another day before solo cups? @Covertgrower @Mark0427 @Watt-Sun


I would soak a paper towel dowbled up nice and thick like and soak it with the beans between til a tail shoots like so

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I soak them till they crack then right into a rapid rooted and into the germination tray