Autos-only Using Jacks 321 & 4/2

45 minutes dead east of Syracuse


@Mr_Wormwood @Autos-only
I’m right below you guys… i used to love visiting Lake Erie when i was a kid. Seen the Falls too…


Hope you got to see falls from Canada side too. They have the cooler looking side, and Canadians seem to take better care of theirs (no litter for example)

Although it’s not possible to arrange here, I can’t help but think it would be cool to organize a get together and have a smoke sesh with people in WNY area…,and since it’s legal here in NY, we would not even have to worry about getting hassled by “The Man”


I dont think police are even dumping any resources and time into investing anything cannabis related anymore. It would take a real idiot to get caught growing indoors in an illegal state. The Fentynal crisis is more important and they need to start going after the real criminals instead of making one, anyhow.


I asked a cop point blank about smoking in public (they said if the place is legal to smoke cigarettes, then it’s legal to smoke weed there)I also asked about growing (as that’s only legal right now WITH a medical marijuana card) and dude straight up said “we don’t care about you growing weed so long as you are with in the plant amount limit” which I believe is 3 per adult in household.

Didn’t stop me from growing 9 in my 2 adult house, but good to get an idea straight from law enforcement’s attitude toward it in general


Where abouts?


…. Oops thought you meant me

Next to Ohio but not before NY. Shhhhhh…lol

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@Poseidon1 .well now I used to live 30 south of you.Now the Dark Corner South Carolina .
Growing here is about the same just a longer season.crap weather still shows up at the worst time.I don’t do indoors until December.


Well guys here’s a little update if anyone is interested, this was last night at day 33 from seed. It’s been a stupid easy grow… with so far good results in stretch… waiting to see the bud development…

I did mess with the feeding ec a few times just based off runoff numbers.
@Covertgrower i did up the mag… I think I need a little more.


Usually if you need more mag while using a 100% jacks it means your lights are pushing them to the max. You can give more mag but maybe consider less light.


Hahaha! You’re right, I am blasting! Really pushing them.


I don’t wanna say this openly haha because I don’t want people to see this and try it but… earlier today I tested and from wall to wall I was between 68-71DLI…. I don’t recommend that…. That’s a lot of light for 550ppm of co2… gonna up the mag and see what happens. In a couple days I will know if it’s a must to back the lights off.


I find that hitting them too hard just creates foxtailed buds. Also gets annoying when they keep shooting new white pistils


I’m only in stretch, trying to get some of the lower branching to get good lighting and make a good move towards the top. Lighting will come down as bulking comes in!


@Poseidon1 Iv been increasing lighting slowly, because of the amount of praying I see, they just love the light and I will admit iv really been pushing the limits lol. This is the praying I’m talk about. Day 33 from seed.


They look good and happy… i like that amount of preying. Imo it still indicates too much light. But that amount is perfect imo. Some strains just dont want alot. My gdp started to get a slight bleaching at just over 1000 ppfd. Back to the 800 to 900 range with a couple buds in the 1000 range. Wish that one was lower but i just got no other place to lst them.


That looks real good brother! Looks like you got a good mother?


No all different from seed. I did monstercrop a few clones off the best one tho. What u cant see is i got them on booster seats to make tgem even, and with lst.


I ran out of likes because I lost regular lol.
Well you did a damn good job! I have a good eye for that and I thought everyone was clone… that even!