Auto Schedue for new to autos

No problem. Everyone on here is nice and will help you.

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Nice dude. How did you get the monster main stalk. Is that the strain or did you help with that

How much longer for harvest on that one you think?

I usually run my autos on 20/4 and 18/6 then late in flower will move to 12/12. Just my opinion. I figure they are going to flower when they want to so why not give her thw most light can’t hurt. :+1::v:


It’s my first grow in 37 years and I want some smoke. The more the better.


Here’s my 2 autos that have been 12/12 since she had her first set of true leaves.


I think the best feature with autos is that they don’t care what light schedule you have them on. You can experiment with each grow and compare your results


I was hopeing the mother load for first time. Lol

What strain might that be if you will?

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Im Thinking a few more weeks at the most hoping only two tho hahaha
I don’t watch a calendar when I grow just take them when they are finished @Mparham

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That soes sound pretty close as to what to expect @EarlyPearl

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If my plant goes to completion I’m sure I’ll be needing instruction.

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When your ready let me know @Mparham

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Cheese auto on the left and AK47 auto on the right :sunglasses:


They look great!


Question for you @EarlyPearl. I’m doing the papertowel method of germination. I have 5 autoflower seeds total germinating. Do I wait till there is a significant root growth before I plant in soil, or should I do it as soon as it cracks the seed?

Some people do and some dont. I soak in water for 24 hours and then into damp soil. I’ve let the tap root get so long and have woke up the next day and the seedling be dead because it came completely out of the soil overnight.

I just checked them and they are about a centimeter out of the seed. Going to drop thrm in soil this morning.

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Keep the soil damp, but not soaking wet. I mist my seedlings with a sprayer around 4 times per day until they break the soil.

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Since I left the 24 7 schedule and went a dark period it is unbelievable. I hope it catches up to where it maybe should have been. Your right. Grow alot in the dark.