Has anyone done autos 12/12 from seed? Got nefvous one of my plants was going to die and dropped some autos to fill in the empty space. My non auto got big so I had to flip to 12/12 and didn’t give the autos time veg. They are growing fine but slow to start flower. Just starting to show sex at 1 month 12/12. Could also be they are now being crowded out by my non-autos.
I agree, they’ll be fine. They may start to flower a little smaller than normal from loss of a little energy, but should be just as healthy as under any other light schedule.
Not really worried about health. I just had problems getting my autos to flip to flowering the last time I grew them. Granted I didn’t have a powerful enough LED. Was thinking that love vegging in the hydro so much that they just didn’t really flower well even on 12/12. In the end all I got were useless bushes. I mean huge useless bushes.
I have done it 12/12 all the way it works great they get bigger imho I have been growing autos for years any way you can think and 12/12 Is definitely my preferred method
@Hogmaster. So how long from seed do the plants auto flip to flower in 12/12? I’m still not seeing pistils and now both the northern lights and amnesia haze autos are taller than my gold leaf’s in flower. I thought they would enter flower easier with 12/12, but after 8 weeks from seed there’s no sign. They are following a similar pattern as my last grow that really never flowered after 4 weeks in 24/0 then 10 weeks 12/12. Those plants were much more bushy. These are more lanky but that’s also because of the competition for light from the GL’s.
No after I transplant from solo cups to 2-3 gallon after 2 weeks I will put them in my flower room 2 weeks old and just baby’s I’ve been doing nothing but fems here as of late @WickedAle
They will grow under any schedule I’ve had great luck going this Route. And you save a Tonna money not running 24 seven it’s not good for them doing that 18-6 Max’s or 16-8 is what I do
@hogmaster But I can’t get them to enter flower. I know they are on their own “herding cats” cycle but after 8 weeks in 12/12 for 6 I’d see some pistils and flowering, but still nothing. Just keep growing into bushes. Want flowers not bushes!
I’ll tell you this when they decide to go looking at the picture you have posted already there going to be freaking monsters they are definitely a breed of their own that’s why I’ve been sticking with fems here lately
@hogmaster The picture above was last week, Now 6 inches taller but no pistils. I will get a close up tomorrow. I’m using GH flora 5ml/10ml /gallon Lucas formula. No other additives.