Auto-flower White Widow times from seed to harvest?

My autos are 8 weeks from seed, is this a typical harvest time or does the 8 weeks mean from signs of flower till harvest?

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8 to 10 weeks following the first appearance of flowering pistils.


Timelines for auto’s look like this IN GENERAL,
1 week seedling
2-3 weeks vegg
7-10 days preflower/transition
8-10 weeks flowering
Harvest when…

Don’t be fooled by this or any other timeline, there is no exactness. The only way to tell a plant is finished is by trichomes.


Thx mine are 8 weeks exactly from seed. Had a few people tell me they look ready for harvest, but idk the exact time first signs of flowering was. Some trichomes are amber already but most just milky.


That’s good for sure getting close then. Make sure you examine the bud itself for trichome maturity. The ones that form on the sugar leaves will mature much faster then those on the bud. Start looking about 1/3 of the way down the bud. It’ll tell ya for sure.
Lots of people have lots of ways they do stuff, and believe me when I tell you, people will argue their way over others pretty regularly. Harvest time is no different. It’s entirely up to your desires. If you want a more energetic high harvesting before any amber begins but all trichomes are cloudy. If you like to be locked on the couch harvest after some amber shows up on the bud. There is a point of diminished returns when it comes to Amber Trichomes. When the trichome turns amber it signals a breaking down of THC into CBN, CBG or both (can’t remember now off the top of my head) these are the cannabinoids attributed to that couch locked feeling. If you let too much of the resin become amber, the weed will just make you lethargic and not very uplifted. Again all about personal preference. Warning about harvesting immature trichomes- I read that when they are not yet cloudy the effects often considered negative from using cannabis are enhanced, anxiety, paranoia and restlessness.
Hope I helped and happy growing!
Given the timeframe you have given and the avg timeline of auto’s I’d say you have 2-4 weeks left.


Thank you for the help.

If the leaves are beginning to yellow and fall off not much just some is it still okay to go another week plus?

It is not uncommon to lose a few leaves as you go forward in flower. It should be limited to the bottom area of the plant. Got a pic or two of the affected plants? Like the whole plant in the picture.

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Your good, as far as I can see. You can remove the yellow leaf there it won’t come back and it will just wither if it hasn’t already. Your plants look fantastic! Good work! Make sure you keep following what ever nute schedule your using.

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Thank you.

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Anther poster asked a similar question. This is the link to that thread and my response