Auto flower showing pistils at 24 days old

These girls sprouted 24 days ago today, and they’re showing their first pistils. Is this normal? Are they gonna be small plants? I have seen very good growth the past 3-4 days. But I don’t remember this happening when I grew before, it’s been over a year or so since i grew. But those plants were photoperiods


It’s not uncommon for an auto to flower so soon. If you want control of when a plant flowers, then grow photos

Welcome to the forum.


I just tried autos and they all flowered at 3 weeks from sprout.


I’ve found that the majority of autos show maturity by weeks 3-5 and start fully flowering by week 7. That’s my experience.


I ran mine under 24 light so I was pretty sure I stressed them.
Welcome to the forum!

So you’ve experienced this before? I am debating on throwing these outside and then keeping my two GSC inside

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Dont be fooled by early pistils on an autoflower.
They can still grow quite well if given a steady good environment and care.
Do some turn out to be runts? Yes they do, but you cant tell yet.
Photos are easier to grow and more consistent. I tried autos for a year and then switched to photos and have done much better.


I’ve been growing autos for 5 years now. Typically they start flowering at 4 weeks. I’ve had a couple plants ( one was grape ape from wizard genetics) that didn’t start flowering until week 7. They were the biggest autos I’ve ever grown. Actually had bend the tops down because they got so close to the light. Got a 1/4 lb of bud off her.


Welcome to the community, Healthy plants. I would roll with them.


The fastest I’ve had showed pistils at 13 days, was in full flower by day 21, and finished by day 58.


Plants look healthy. I too only have grown photo, except for currently im growing my first auto outside on the deck. Its a runt and i wont even post a pic lol. My two photo’s in the tent and one photo outside are all doing fantastic.

I wanted to mention the fact that you topped your auto… its my understanding that you dont want to do that because you can risk stressing out your plant close to the time it flips to flower. Food for thought at least, maybe someone with more experience with auto’s can confirm.

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I ended up throwing these girls outside, gonna harden them off and then see what they do, I have two GSC in 7 gallons and a hazy dazy I am gonna keep inside. (The hazy day will go outside once it hits first true leaves) I would rather have my 300 watts go to two plants, instead of three. And just see how big I can get these two girls


How big they end up? Do you have any photos? Just curious

Thank you! I am happy with how they look over all, just a little worried about the early flowering is all

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They will at the least double in size. I’m going out on a limb and say one pound of dryed buds. With the 3 plants.
Happy growing :v:

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That much?! Holy crap, that’s way more than I thought! That is awesome. Even if it’s half that, I would be more than happy. It’s been a very rough start for me, I ruined the first seeds I bought. Tried using a germination mat and burnt them :frowning:

A lot of things plays into the yield. Quality of lights , A good environment. And for auto’s out of the gate running.
But not uncommon for autos to produce 4 to 5 ounces dried buds.

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I normally get four to five weeks of veg before I see pistols on autoflowers. Or a rare occasion I’ll see week 3 start flowering on a plant but it always grows into nice big producing plant despite the early flower


My gdp all flowered at 3 weeks and I was pissed. Lol
They suprised me and grew tall.


I still have yet to grow a granddaddy purple. There’s three strands I’m really itching to grow.

Grand Daddy Purple
Pineapple Express
Maui wowie