Auto Flower lighting question

Hi again guys I have a question regarding light. I have 1200w led exlenvce light in a 3x3 tent. My plants sprouted about 6 days ago. Should I just be using the veg light or veg and bloom? My light is 24” away and on 24/7

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Also my humidity is right between 55/65% should I still have them domed?

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I would have just the veg half of the fixture on for now. You don’t have to wait all the way until flower to turn on the bloom side, but I would give them a couple of weeks at least. A pic or two would help, but I think you should be able to remove the domes by now. I usually remove them on day 2 above ground.


So would it be alrght to use a led light straight away on auto flower seedlings? as aposed to using a floresnt light?

You could do either. @tony55 the difference is light intensity. Light fixture depending.



I have used my primary LED to “veg.” my autos. I just raised the light higher to start with then lower it gradually to avoid stretching

Looks good, I might consider doming the one on the top left of the top pic for half a day or so, but honestly I think it would be fine either way. What’s the humidity level in there?

What is the from-the-wall wattage on that?

Kewl. Will stay the course

@blackthumbbetty for the led?

Yes. What power does it actually draw? It certainly won’t be 1200watts.

I used to grow autos with blurples, just fine. In a 2.5x5x7 tent, I used 3 blurples: 2 that pulled approximately 130 watts each (were rated as 300w each) and one that pulled 260 (was rated at 600w). Would start with the big panel only at 28-32 inches.

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146w just on the bloom cycle @blackthumbbetty

And on veg?

On both?

With just the veg light on. Sorry.

Also how much water should I be giving them?