Auto Flower Ideas

I’m throwing around some ideas for trying a plant or two of auto flowers. Currently I have a green house set up but was wanting to try something a little different. Any input and pointers would be great on what would be the best set up, pot size, soil, etc.

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In terms I believe you’re asking you can pretty much treat the same as you would photoperiod plants. I rarely put anything in larger than 3 gallon pot, which is good middle of the road home for an auto. For a true soil grow i prefer roots organics original blend, but there is a way to make just about anything work.


I would try white widow auto and moby dick auto they both yeild high and i would go with five gallon fabric pots and i would try organic growing


@dbrn32 I was thinking about starting off with about a 3x2x72 tent and either going with a 3-4 gallon pot no bigger then 5 gallon. I’ve used Mother earth CocoPeat with some seedlings or two Bruce Banner survivors along with a few other plants and had no problems.

@Aussie_autos Thanks for your input. I’ll have to look into those two. I’ve used GH MaxiGro and CALiMAGic on my other grows. Do you think I could still use the same thing? It’s one thing I wouldn’t mind trying to say I’ve done autos without having a bunch of money tied up if it doesn’t work out the way I would it.

I know trying something new, it might not come out the way I wanted on the first grow just like my first Greenhouse grow.

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Maxi grow would be fine it will work no problemo


I haven’t used the cocopeat, but I have grown in peat and grown in Coco. 5 gallon fine if you’re doing a single plant and planning to stretch it out a little. If doing more than 1 plant in 3x2 I would definitely go 3 or less. If you have nutrients you’re familiar with I would definitely continue to use them. Growing an auto is just like growing anything else. You just have to be a little cognizant of stressing plant and the limited veg time.


@Aussie_autos I was thinking about using the same fertilizer I’ve used on the green house but wanted to make sure it’ll work on autos.

@dbrn32 Both grows have been in premium potting mix but have wanted to try a plant or two in coco. Both of my greenhouse grows have been in 15 gallon grow bags. My greenhouse grow is the first time using GH MaxiGro and CALIMAG and so far I’m happy with the outcome. With my first, I used Miracle-Gro.

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Welcome to the community @adaml559

I deal with small space indoor, if you go to used 5gl pots just one plant just cuz autos can get tall more if is sativa and if the pot is big, I’m in 2.5x2.5x4 in 2 gl pots but in you tent you should run 3gl pot two plants with LST will be gooddd

I use GH trio if you had micro and bloom for flowering stage that all you need went you plants started flowering

Happy growing🤘


I’ve been using Mother Earth Coco Peat for a few years now, and I absolutely love it. I reuse it grow after grow. I just add in about 20 to 25% new soil after every other grow to keep it fresh.
I’m currently doing a run with 6 autos in Earth Dust organic nutrients, and 5 autos getting my normal Advanced Nutrients feedings. Here’s a link to my journal if you want to check it out.


@Mefis Thank you for the welcoming!
Thank you for your input. I was thinking the same on size pots and doing some kind of LST. I haven’t quite decided on stain I wanna do.

@Cap_Ron I’ve been really liking the Mother Earth Coco Peat for the seedling or some clones before transplanting into bigger pots. I’ve heard to keep it semi wet (not to heavy or to light). How moist do you keep your soil? That’s actually nice to know that you could reuse the soil after each grow I’ll check out your journal tonight. Love seeing and learning about new growing techniques.

Happy growing!!!


I don’t had to much experience in strains but if you looking for high THC strawberry banana, GG, girls scout cookies, planet of grape and the strains I growing sour diesel

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@adaml559, the plants that I’m feeding the Advanced Nutrients to, I let get fairly dry between feedings, usually every other night in 5 gallon pots with adult plants. That’s one of the best things about the Coco Peat, you can still treat it as if you’re growing in soil, but you get the benefit of the Coco in it helping to get you to the next watering a little faster.
The ones that I’m growing organically in the Earth Dust I keep fairly damp all the time. I water them every night, but about half the amount of normal each time.

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What ever fertilizer you were using it will work with autos

Just picked up a 2x2x4 grow tent (used) with 2 lights (light pictured and a LUXX 1000) for a deal to well to pass up. Cleaned and sprayed Growers Ally Spider Mite to make sure nothing gets transferred. Next step is to get seeds and a 5 gallon tote. Soil wise will be Mother Earth Coco Peat as mentioned earlier.

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I’m growing in Mother Earth CocoPeat now myself. I’ve got 3 autos going and just finished a clone grow in it.
I came from Happy Frog and won’t be going back. I really like the Cocopeat myself.
You and I might be the only people here using it! LOL!

Best of Luck!!

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@Tylersays I’ve been loving the Mother Earth CocoPeat. I’ve transplanted some other plants once before along with some seedlings and they are loving it. Haven’t done a grow in CocoPeat yet.

What three autos do you have going? I’m trying to figure out what one I wanna try.


I’m pretty new to this, but for me, pot size has made a huge difference. I have 3 plants going, all amnesia haze auto from ILGM, and 2 are in 3 gal pots, and one is in 5 gal. The one in the 5 gal is twice the size of the ones in 3 gal bags. All have had the same nutrients and environment, but the extra space allowed one to grow a lot bigger. I’m in a 4x4, and really should have had two plants in 5 gal bags, and stopped there. Instead, my tent is getting a little crowded lol

@DrWatson420 I’m a newbie also for growing in a tent anyways and with autos. I wanted to give it a try to say I’ve done a grow or two. With my setup, I have a 2x2x4 tent so I’m thinking I can only do a single plant in a 5 gallon pot with LST in Mother Earth CocoPeat. I’m unsure what kind of lighting I should use. I bought my set up used with a 2ft grow light included (unsure or watts or brand). I did put in a little clip fan and have some other seedlings in there right now and they seem to be happy.