I bookmarked it and will check it out thanks… I emailed TGSC with an attention Dan and asked him but I don’t know what will come of it , I rarely get a response from them anymore and when I do it’s very short and not helpful
No answer on phone. My hopes are minimal here. They are probably terribly bummed.
Will do and thanks.
By the way I just happen to be sitting next to a good buddy of mine. He said you was one of the ones helping him on his first grow. Said thanks and wanted to show you some shots of halfway through flower.
Kinds sucks, I recently transitioned to Gaia green from ED and never missed a step. It seems to be a very comparable product. I only switched because I’m on the Canadian border and this is carried local everywhere, ED is not.
Damn man I really wanted to try this stuff but could never get it shipped to the uk
Old school baby! Just found out …I too was gonna try some E dust!!
Bummer! ;<
They recommended build a soil line to me. Haven’t tried it yet because I still have plenty of the earth dust for now.
This is what I got from David @ Earthdust
Hey Denise,
If you use the Build a Soil line, I would recommend using the Craft Blend. You could switch to the build a bloom during flower, but it wouldn’t be necessary
@LiesGrows is going to a very similar product I believe it’s called Highway dust from a great couple in OK … Since I tagged him he will stop by and correct me if I’m wrong about the name and I’m sure he’ll share more information about them if you want it
You shared this the other day and I’ve been looking at the craft blend it is pretty similar to dust. I will probably be switching to it mainly because it’s a bigger company but I am planning on trying a few different products before I make my final decision
Yes as Easy said ill be switching to a brand called Roadside Organics you can Google the name and its the 1st link that pops up
Thanks Lies
Np man that Buld a soil is some good s**t tho also if i didnt learn about Roadside i 100% would have went the BAS route
I haven’t even tried anything yet I luckily got ahold of enough dust to last me a long while so I have time. I’ll probably try one or two products each round which will help the dust last longer and I’m kinda hoping to find a sponsor in the process , free stuff always seems to work good
Hell yeah man i have a 8lb bag of Base but next to no Boost sense my original 4lb bag of base went bad they sent a 8 pounder to replace it for free and of course it was like a few weeks before they made the announcement so i have enough base to last quite some time ill be using it on outdoor plants come spring
You can mix match with the Roadside flower food. Just start the plants with Ed and then flower with the Roadside flower
Definitely not a bad idea at all thats probably what ill do for a while till the ED is all gone
Thanks guy’s for the updates on ED.
So just to clarify…what happened to them??
Is it just a name change to Roadside?
No TGSC closed down they where having supply chain issues i believe Roadside Organics is a completely different business
got it… @LiesGrows TY.
No problem