Asking again so I don’t ruin this harvest

I’m going to keep asking until I get it right. I ruined my first harvest. Don’t want to do it again. But by looking at this pic can you tell if it’s time for me to chop it down

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Looks like you’ve got some bud rot.
Check in near the stem.

It looks like u may have a bit of bud rot happening but to truely tell if ur plant is ready is use a microscope to see the trichomes


What does bud rot mean ? How does it happen abs what do I do now ? Throw it away ???

What causes bud rot ?

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Generally too high humidity and not enough air flow.

Do I need to get rid of bud that is rotting and harvest the buds that have no rot before they do get rot ?

Live in the northeast . It’s been humid the last few weeks. Outdoor autos. Not sure how I could get any more airflow on them then they already have


Cut out the rotted part and toss.
You can spray at lights out with a dilute peroxide / water mix 50/50.
It will kill any stray spores from the removal.
Increase your air flow if you can.
Outdoor it’s a challenge for sure.
Any full plant pics ?



@Mugsy78 You can take some of the bigger leaf like what I circled in the pic.

You’ll have to keep an eye out for any more spots popping up tho.
Spread them out if you can too.


You mean take off the leaves all together ?


Just the larger ones like circled. Yes.
Not all leaves.

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Thanks so much for your help !!!


Ur more than welcome. :+1::v:

You will have check it first open up the bud where it is looking brown and see if you see any rot if not its fine it just looks like u may have abit of bud rot