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My thoughts:

I would never lollipop or defoilate in veg, the idea behind these methods is to ensure fewer bud sites see more light while less energy goes to weaker thinner branches.
However in veg we want as much biomass as possible in order to contribute to photosynthesis, growing bigger roots and thicker branches.

Your saying light height, so this tells me that you haven’t learned to use DLI yet.
So here is a piece of homework, read the first post.

Secondly print out a cannabis VPD chart and put it in your grow room so you can focus on dialing in your heat/humidity for an ideal VPD.
Temperature is your issue due to the non LED lighting and your ambient temp, so the best you can do is put on a high capacity fan and ensure that your hoses are laid out to avoid suckling up hot exhaust air… I wonder what the other end of that window looks like. Where these exhaust and intakes are all going and do they conflict with each other.

I personally prefer the black exhaust lines because they come with a extra layer of plastic on them, however you could insulate them with bubble wrap or something.

I don’t like nets, because once plants grow into them that’s it until you harvest.
Setting up individual scog nets is more ideal but instead I use bamboo poles and plant ties in combination with plant yoyos hung from a line on the roof.

As for plant height, simplest thing to do is put the shorter plants on something like a 3 or 5 gallon bucket flipped upside down.

If your in soil you shouldn’t need to feed until flower, but now that your feed a salt based nutrient system you’ll need to ensure run off so that the root zone doesn’t get salted up over time and create lockout due to a PH change of salt build up.
If you want to feed everyday or every second day grow in coco.

To be honest soils a waste of time unless you want to grow all organically in giant pots or outside in the ground.
Otherwise grow in coco with regular nutrients or organic nutrients.

But your here to learn so just pointing out what my thoughts are.