Are these male nanners?

I have two ilgm gold leafs and one ilgm gg4 in a 4x4 tent. They are 8 weeks into flower. I cut off a bottom larf bud off of one of the gold leafs, and to my surprise, there were seeds. I hadn’t noticed anything prior to this. Upon further inspection, I could see seeds on one other branch, but nothing else was super visible. The tops dont look right on a few of the buds, and i haven’t found seeds on the other two plants yet. Is this a loss or just a couple herm branches hopefully?
Thanks in advance for any help, I’m a little stressed


Looks like it.

What do you recommend? Chop them all down now or let them finish? I’m a complete newb.

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Dont stress it. Late in the game. Finish where you like. They are close. Just pluck it. If other plants at same stage no worries.

@Storm alright, thanks for your feedback I really appreciate it. I’ll look close at the others tonight after work and start chopping the culprit today.

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Dont have to chop. Just pluck the nanner. So far in can run longer if need. Unless afraid of seeding others not far into flower.