Arborholic's 2nd grow- ILGM Blueberry Autos in DWC hydro 2-10-21

I can’t believe I found this seed! I’ve had what looked to be an empty Rapid Rooter, but kept it in with the others in case it popped up.

I got the other seed that hasn’t cracked yet and put them together in RO & h2o2 to see if they will crack.


I would add a touch of water in your trays there to keep the rooter from drying out. It also gives the little ones a drink once they sprout :grin: Just going by what I see. It looks like they are dry. I use these every now and then. They work great. I just add the water to the bottom of the tray. Rooter is out of the water but the tails grow into it.


Thanks for looking in and helping. I’m not too sure yet :wink:… how damp the Rapid Rooters should be. Makes sense to give them water at the tray. I try to imagine the potting soil dampness for seedlings but I’ll probably have to use the RR for awhile to get the feel & visual. I’ve never had over $100 in 5 seeds before, so I’ve never paid much attention to sprouting before. I’m sure I totally overthought it.


2-24-21 0700
The 2 sprouts in Rapid Rooters are still shriveling back at the cotyledans.

In case the sprouts are damping off, I sterilized the entire Super Sprouter set up again by rinsing it in h2o2 & wiping it down with 100% h2o2. I don’t want to put soil, water and more seeds in if there are nasty pathogens damping off my sprouts!

The 1 unknown bean that I found on the counter has soaked in RO/h2o2 for 24 hrs & has a tail :tada: yasssss!!! I put it in Ocean Forest (OF) potting soil in the egg carton dampened with RO. (no pic) I decided to go back to soil since I have a feel for that, and this may be the only Blueberry Auto that makes it put of the seedling stage :crossed_fingers:t5:.

The Blueberry Auto bean that was soaked, then went in a Rapid Rooter for 2 weeks, then back to soak in RO/h2o2 for 24 hrs… STILL wasn’t cracked yet, so I scored the shell and placed it in RO & h2o2 for about 15 min till it floated, then placed in OF soil in the egg carton.

Here is the set up. This is my first time using the Super Sprouter set up, so let me know if you see any potential problems with how I’m using it.

I put the egg carton back under the light just in case those other sprouts aren’t totally dead :skull_and_crossbones:


owie owie, looks like 3 of mine that aren’t gonna make it.


Yep, I think they’re goners too. The 3 of mine anyway… (did you mean you have 3 that are goners too?) :disappointed: But if there’s a chance… I kept the light on.

Should I focus on the new seeds, turn the light off and keep the heat mat under them till they break necks? Or keep the light on 18/6 also? I’ve never put a light over seeds before.


yes, i have three of those right now, i will leave them to try until i get 4 more seeds cracked and then i will take out the top half of the soil in cup and replace it with new soil and put the new cracked seeds in, i only have 8 cups left so i have to reuse them


It really sucks to have them fail. I’m trying to organize the next grow, Seeds, and I need you to cooperate and just grow up. Just grow up.

I will have to drop more seeds. What else would you grow with Blueberry Autos?
Here are my choices:

-Gold leaf fem - relax, short, easy- also gets you FdUp
-Pineapple haze fem
-Orange bud fem

Auto pack 1.0
-Amnesia Haze Auto- energy, short, easy

-Blueberry auto: easy, indoor, anti panic, 8 week flower, 4-6oz yield for 3x3 plant, euphoric, relaxed, sleepy, relaxed. it doesn’t grow very tall (about 32 inches)

-Northern lights auto-relax, short, easy, resistant,
-physical pain
-mental or emotional imbalances., mood disorders

Auto pack 2.0k
-Bubblegum auto: easy, uplifting, mellow, 4-6oz yield,
-Jack Herrer auto- effed up, short, easy
-OG Kush auto

North Coast Seeds:
Glueberry muffin fem
Yeti F2 fem (not Yeti OG from Loompah)
Mind Tricks F1 fem
Happy Place F1 fem
Brain dead F1 fem (formerly Afterlife)


the door is wide open bud, any of those would be fine, but if i was growing autos, which i don’t, i would grow all autos or all fems, not any reason why


Haha, I like having options. I think I will go with all autos. It’s so tempting to drop one of each. But I already have a mashup Hot Mess multistrains of plants going in the flower tent. So I will probably go with a Northern Lights. Having said that I want to try all 1 strain, I still hope one of the Blueberries shows up!


2-26-21 0900

Light 16/8

Heat mat off

Humidifier 65%

Temp 73*F

Humid 74%

I tossed the 3 shriveled up sprouts. I left the other 2 beans in soil, checked the soil moisture and put them back in the humidified tent in the Super Sprouter.


Look who showed up! This is the bean I found on the counter. I think it is a Blueberry Auto. Mostly certain it is a canna plant. Let’s see if this one will live longer than it’s cousins.


Light 16/8

Heat mat off

Humidifier 65%

Temp 62-78*F

Humid 50-73%- rides at 65-73 and drops when I take it out to inspect


Yep, she’s lookin like a canna plant! This should be a Blueberry Auto seed.

She’s under light 18/6. With autos, when do I put her under 12/12? Or does it matter? Will she flip to flower whenever she darn well pleases? I’m wondering if I can put her in the one of the flower tents as soon as she gets her land legs.


yea, you don’t want babies under strong light. i am just starting out my 5th grow and have my LEC 315 the highest i can get it in the tent, completely to the back, then have my germ/seedling plants in a jiffy tray with tall hood on it clear way to the front of the tent to keep the strength of light down. i have two 3 gallon pots with plants that just got their 5 node up directly under the light and that is plenty of light for them for now. i will start lowering the light an inch a day when the stuff is done in the jiffy tray.

from what i understand on the autos, i don’t grow them btw so take with a grain of salt lol, but light doesn’t matter, you can run them at 18/6 all the way thru or 12/12 all the way thru, plant will flower when it wants to, it is not triggered by light time.


If you can put seedlings under 20 hours of light you will get faster growth in the initial stages then revert back 18 + 6 is there a reason you are doing 16 + 8



nice lol :sunglasses:

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@monkman before you give up on those. It may be worth soaking the rooter again. With the seedling n it. And gently squeezing it to damp. I had one dry out so the rooter was like wood with a seedling in it. I soaked it only because I was bored. And the seedling came back a few days later. I think I have a picture of it in here some where.


lol that was 4 months ago, i think i got one of the four to work. at this point though it is just guessing. i ended up with the gdp for replacement and am happy with them, they are still in veg but will be going to flower in another couple weeks. i don’t use rooters, i plant in solo cups right from crack and first view of a tail. i have fixed my germ problem by planting immediately. i had 100% take on the last 4.


The one and only seed that germinated finally was neglected to death. plays taps I don’t have any more of those seeds. I was reading that autos are harder (less forgiving) to grow than photos. Is this generally thought to be true?