Arborholic's 2nd grow- ILGM Blueberry Autos in DWC hydro 2-10-21

i have never done auto’s because i’m a control freak lol, but i also read that. from what i read you are supposed to not do much to them


@repins12 Hey bro- I saw some YouTube videos of your DWC prep and setup on your thread, but I can’t find them again. Mind tagging them here? Thanks in advance!


Those were some videos, form someone I know, that I used as part of my research. My system is kinda a compilation, of different things, that I learned, through my research. I can post them here for you, if you would like, let me know or you can get in touch with me, on any of the other places, I frequent and I could help you with your design. I have lots of pictures of my set up but, did not do a video. Maybe, I will when, I tear everything down, to get rid of my tent after one more quick auto seed run, after I wrap this one up. Just let me know, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Thanks man. I tried to find where you posted them before. I am looking at lots of different DWC setups while I don’t have any plants growing to see how I want to modify for the next grow.


If I can help, in any way, let me know :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Will you post a couple of the videos here? Glad to see you’re still on here for now. Sure have appreciated your wealth of knowledge!


Please remind me this evening. Fixing to head out the door to work :+1:t4: :v:t4:

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