Arborholic's 2nd grow- ILGM Blueberry Autos in DWC hydro 2-10-21

You are missing a component. The plastic cage that holds the rapid rooter



Looks like nice humidity in the bag. It’s the waiting game…ugh!

These are the cages I was asking you about earlier also. Since they didn’t come with my set up I thought you made those yourself, lol.


My original set up came with the rapid rooter cage and seed for different herbs. I purchased a bag of cages and rapid rooters separately. I believe it was on amazon or the other place we are not allowed to mention on here. :v:t4:



Thanks man. A place which is not to be named. On here. I guess I’ll figure out which place that is if I mention it and I get the noose :joy: Is there a list of those places somewhere?


It starts with an E. You are allowed to mention amazon here because they are one of their sponsors. WTF. I just wanted to get you headed in the right direction, my friend :v:t4:


Oh, haha. Makes sense. The E place. Thanks :sunglasses:


Thanks for that picture. I was wondering if I could use my cloner with rapid rooters. I see I should be able to. I have the little baskets for them for mine.


2-16-21 0830
Temp 71-75F (68-88F)
Humid 41% (25-50%)

Seeds and cotton completely dry this morning. Looks like the tail on the longest seed broke. Or maybe it just split. I left it in case it is a partial tear and will recover. I rehydrated the cotton rounds and paper towel with RO.
Better get those in the egg carton today. Either get these in the egg carton in Rapid Rooters or Happy Frog or whatever the airy potting soil is.


H2O2 and seedlings, roots

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Whenever I’m starting a new seed, I always put it in the dirt as soon as the root shows what end it’s coming out of the seed. I figure shorter root = less likely to be damaged with handling.


Guess I’m finding that out the hard way. But the root looks robust today.

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The root seem too wet and too big.

I do it like @Oheeeoh

I would plant in earth rather soon than late

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I hear planting with the root up prevents the shell from sticking to them. I think @Hellraiser was saying something about it but I could be wrong.

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Cool video. I am going to have to look in to a few aspects of it. :grin:

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It was too wet- I was soaking them in a little extra h2o2 and RO to help soak off the husks before placing them in the Jiffy Plugs. Good eye :eye:

I’ve read this also. That makes sense to me, if the shells are still adhered. Roots follow gravity (gravitrophic/geotrophic ), leaves follow air/light (phototrophic) no matter which way the seed is positioned.

The shells on all three seeds with tails came off before transplant, so I stuck them in, root down.

The other 2 seeds have no tails yet. I may try another soak to see if they sink or float or…? I have the new tray set with a heat mat, so they may themselves in a new home tomorrow.


@Neal welcome aboard Gromie! This is the new Blueberry Auto journal. Glad to have ya!

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Today’s germ pics:

This is the one next to the black hygrometer. :sunglasses: cat


Cool :sunglasses: Cat fell apart at the leaves. The others are looking impish.

I pulled out the 2 seeds that haven’t sprouted yet and found the one I knew was cracked is actually empty, and the other is a solid seed.

Is it possible that there wasn’t anything in this seed pod?