Arborholic's 2nd grow- ILGM Blueberry Autos in DWC hydro 2-10-21

I want to add an update with today’s pics. do I just reply to myself from further up the chat line? Or do I reply to the last person who posted and put my grow info on?

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Go to the blue Reply button at the end of your thread(right below last person that posted) click reply and type your text or right above where you type the text there is a square picture emblem two to the right from the quote symbol. Hope this helps!

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Ahhhh- I had to get on my computer to find those. They may exist on my phone, but my kids fixed my phone so the font is LARGE and many details get squished out of the view. :nerd_face: Geezer glasses for this ‘ol fella. Thanks man


Here are the little buggers.
2-11-21 8:15am
Day 5 germ
27-41% humid

3 beans with tails, 2 beans uncracked
Changed plate, paper towel and put each seed on it’s own cotton round. Added RO and h2o2 till very moist. Don’t have to disturb all to mess with one this way.

Need little domes to do AeroGarden germination.
:question: Should I use clear or dark colored cups to make domes until they pop cotyledons?
:question: What nute solution or RO water to run through AeroGarden now- or maybe none?
:question:When do I add light & what type of light should I start with?
:question: I added more h2o2 to the cotton rounds to help prevent contamination. Will the tender tails be ok in H2O2?

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Clear dome
They don’t need nutes till the cotyledon leaves fall of, or there about.
Seedling can use the just about any light. Some better than others. This is what I use and it works:




Sorry for the late reply, I was teleworking due to the ice up here. My aerogarden has Led lights built into it. I just use the nutes that came with the dang thing. 2 capfuls per fill up and they are not usually in there long enough for a second fill up. Usually less than 14 days.
My aerogarden uses these little plastic type holders for the rapid rooters

This is the same seedling with the plastic cage removed

You can use a stand alone bubble bucket

They can be a real pain in the azz changing out each week :v:t4:



That looks nifty and simple. Do you know if RO water would work for seedlings in Rapid Rooters? I may be able to place the rapid rooters in cups and then rig up a system like that from my other spring starts supplies.

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No worries when replies come in bro, just happy to see a Repins Response :facepunch:t4: about these AeroGardens. It’s cold as a well diggers arse here too. Thanks for the pics. Helps me a bunch to be able to see what you’re describing.
Since the plants don’t need much nutes as lil buggers, would RO water work in there until they get their first true leaves?


I think I’m nervous about over-lighting and over heating them in the big tent while they are so tiny. Or under lighting them by covering them with something. Until I get a feel for how sensitive they are.


I just got one. It’s a simple piece for a simple man. I’m too wiggy about the sprouts and I’d like them to come out and play fairly close to one another, not like the first grow where they are almost a month apart. Thanks Spy!


If it feels comfortable to you in there then it’s probably comfortable to them is a general rule to keep in mind. :+1:t2:

RO water, tap water, spit if you had enough of it. Seriously, there not picky right now. Keep the inside of the dome misted. That will provide all the water she needs till she starts to loose the cotyledon leave. Think moist and humid. :+1:t2::sunglasses:


I use these little lights to start things off with. It works pretty good. I grow autos and photos together all the time. No issues. They get just as big as with a 18/6 light.
You are off to a great start. I have been wondering if I can use my cloner similar to your areo deal. I have the little baskets for it and use rapid rootrs


:joy: Excellent. And never enough spit.

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Alright, alright, alright. I have a little Vivosun light that has similar specs and would work. :facepunch:t4:

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2-13-21 1015
Day 7 germ
Temp 75 (72-75)
Humid 32% (26-46%)

3 tails, 1 cracked, 1 whole

The AeroGarden’s top tray is covered in water. It seems to fall back into the reservoir so maybe that’s the design. Don’t see water in other people’s pics, or maybe the water is hard to see in pics. Still think I’ll plunk the seeds in it.

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That aerogarden is a neat idea. I may have to try that if my latest seed-cracking attempt doesn’t work out. I went 1 for 1 on my first grow and thought seed cracking was easy. Since then I think I went 0 for 5 been having trouble cracking seeds lately.


I’m going to let the seedling sprouts get bigger before putting them in the AeroGarden. The plugs are so overfilled with water, I think the seedlings would drown. At least in this particular AeroGarden unit.


Pics of my latest cracking efforts. High tech cottage cheese containers with holes drilled in the bottom.

I want to dedicate this picture to Tom Petty’s song “the waiting in the hardest part”