Arborholic's 2nd grow- ILGM Blueberry Autos in DWC hydro 2-10-21

If you guys can tag folks who may be able to help, mucho appreciation. I just tagged hydro growers who I see posting. Like you :v:t3:


I’ll lock in :v:t3:

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i dont do hydro…
but had 3 autos along side with the whole bunch of vegging girls.
so it is feasable. i would even recomend people to have some auto seed to fill out their vegging tent in case of un ecpected vaccancies.

correct me if im wrong…
hydro you add the nutes to the whole system? if so… how would you feed the flowering ones seperately?

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When I use my aerogarden, I just put the seeds directly into the rapid rooters, start the aerogarden up, cover sites with a dome and let it go. I don’t pre soak or germinate. Seems to work, for me.

You kinda get the idea. I have a friend that doesn’t remove the cages. I do, just my preference. Sorry for all of the pictures. Didn’t mean to hi-jack your journal.
I usually always run photos in my Hydro and autos in soil for, a kinda perpetual grow. This run is all autos, to see if I’m going to build another Hydro for my autos and ditch soil all together indoors. You can do the same thing with the aerogarden and plant the seedlings in soil. I have done that as well. I hope this helps. Now this is just what works for me, not saying it is the only way to do it. Thanks for the tag. I’m set to watching and gonna tag along, that is, if you don’t mind. :nerd_face: :+1:t4: :v:t4:


Yeah man, these pics help a ton. Thanks for sharing on this grow journal for easy reference. You all know how to make a newbie feel welcome.

What lights do you use in your AeroGarden? I can place 3 lights in mine.

What nute solution do you use in your AeroGarden? When do you start the water and/or nutes circulating in it?

Will you tag me in your journal with autos in hydro? I’ll go look for it, but guaranteed I’ll get lost and sidetracked and such before I actually find the right one :joy: I appreciate your responses. I know you’re in high demand!


I’ve seen the aero garden online in advertisements before but never looked into it.
Good luck on the grow brother.

Oh yeah I meant to ask: Which cages do you mean- the net pots?

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Right on Youngster. Happy to have you along for the ride. Hopefully not too bumpy!

These are my light options I can mix and mingle. Always taking suggestions on lighting :man_facepalming:t3: .

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Great to have you @Suckerpunch! Should be a fast, fun furious grow!


That is a Plus for sure and really it will all depend on what you find that works best within your environment’s conditions. I look forward to following along for the adventure of it. :v:

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Yes, that is THE question. :joy: In my 1st grow, I had 10 bag seeds that germinated in a 3 week time. They are all on one hydro system, and I have been feeding the entire system for the 1plant that flowered first. So Ittybit Catsup! was the youngest, and she just has to ride those nute rails man! I don’t know if this is the advised way, I was too busy with work to interact much on the forum at that point, lol.

I see what you mean about recommending that people keep some auto seeds to fill out their grow. I’m not sure how that would work yet in a hydro system of connected pots. :man_shrugging:

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Thanks man I appreciate having guys like you on board to keep this ride moving onward and upward!

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Anytime Brother! If you like I can tag you into my journal as well.

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But it seems I can add a stand along hydro bucket or even a soil plant in the tent with the hydros. Right? Anyone? Bueller? That could come in handy.


Yes Sir you most definitely can and should if you have the room!

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Heck yeah dude. That would be rad. Tag me into anything that you think could be helpful. I’m just getting started on the forum, and I’m a little overwhelmed how to find things, and then to remember where they are haha, :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:t3:

I get sucked in, man sucked right in to the forum ethosphere.

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There we go then. A potted soil plant can fill in a hydro tent. And should. Love it!
If others have tried this and found it doesn’t work well, chime on in here. All methods and styles and preferences- I want to hear all the ways.

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I have photo, auto’s and a DWC hydro all in my flower room currently! Tagged you in my Journal. :v:

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That sounds great. I’m heading over to check it out. I see that Repins has soil, autos, everything all in that tent. Dang this is going to be fun!