You have weeks to go yet based on flower maturity.
This would be 9 weeks from seed based on appearance. Flower will be ready for harvest at approximately 8 to 10 weeks from the start of flowering. Time from seed isn’t really relevant, as autos can start flowering at any time btw 2 and 12 weeks, though most will flower at btw 4 and 7 weeks. How many weeks has the plant been flowering? It looks like ~5 weeks.
Im only about to be on my second harvest first one worked well but i wasnt able to be around at harvest an had my brother help, my last was ace killer og feminized & now im almost ready to harvest granddaddy purp the auestion i have is it looks like the top of my plant is ready but the bottom is not. Should i cut the buds that are ready and wait for the bottom ? Or wait until all are finished and how should i water from this stage? …. Ps new to this and the forum how do i start a new topic ? I really appreciate any help thank you.
Pictures are always helpful so that you can get the best, most accurate advice.
This is normal. Some growers do staged harvests where they take off the upper part of the plant and then wait a week or 2 for the bottom to finish.
Water right up until harvest. The plant needs the water to ripen flower.
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I do a reverse partial harvest, it’s really technical stuff, very advanced, not for wookies
I’m usually bone dry and drooling when flowers are ripping, so I start taking “samples” from the lowers, by the time I’m harvesting my plants are all lollipoped, lol.
I do that. Especially big photo. I leave a lot of lower budsites for edibles. Harvest tops. Wait a few weeks for bottom. Not a lot of weight added but ripen to where we want perfectly. As mentioned treat them normal to the end IMO. Flush/darkness/dry out etc have shown no noticable difference in quality. Actually think degraded my harvest a bit when tried.