Anyone ever seen buds that are all leaves

Anyone ever seen buds all leaves and small foxtails I got gifted a plant that I was told was almost done but it looks no were near

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A picture would help?


I’ll add a picture later

Welcome back from ! The description sounds like it could possibly be revegging picture would be nice.

I’ve seen some autos put out too early that looked like that. Some had no pistils at all


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The whole bud is just long foxtails and leaves I don’t think it had proper nutrients so I’m hoping if I just hit it with late stage flowering nutes it will fill out the foxtails and atleast have something smoke able

She looks like she has Down syndrome!
Like she’s really down cause you neglected giving her any nutes…

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Lol I got it given to me and was told it was almost ready just hoping I can bring it back

It looks like it’s doing just fine. Just smaller than normal and I believe it’s because it wasn’t fed correctly. You should be able to fatten it up though and it will produce some buds for you.

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