Alright, well I have started using a cloning machine due to the fact I don’t have enough seeds for the amount of plants I need. But I have tried doing clones in soil with 0 success. Yes zero, I have heard stories of just," yeah I cut the plant poke it in soil and wala, roots!! " I can’t seem to figure it out. I have a combination of great white, azos, and the clonex nutrient solution. Water is at 5.9 and 66 degrees. This is my first go with the aeroponic machine, so hopefully I can get better results. Do you run your pump 24/7? I am running the lights 24/7.
I definitely run my pump 24/7, I only run my lights 18 hours but that’s more to prolong bulb life and give the lights a rest Than anything else.
I have tried 3 times and only this last time I got 5 out of 7 to take root. Rule one. Make sure that you don’t have any room for them in a tent. That is how I got them to take off before I had to set them free.
So the last time I used a rapidcloner cheapest thing I could find at the online store. I used the directions and it suggested you use a little I mean very little amount of hydrogen peroxide every 3 to 4 days and it had a airstone.
1/2 gallon black bucket half full of tap water and half a cap of h2o2 every 3 to 4 days. Put in airstone and it’s setup
What I did differently when I cut the clones I cut on 45 degree angle with the stem. I then took a knife and scraped the outer part of the bottom 2 inches of the stem. And I cut a piece of aloe and used all the goodness from the inside to coat what will be the rooting area and put them in the cloner and turn on air.
Also it had a humidity dome that I utilized. And I started to see roots within 5 days.
However I still think the powers of the universe allowed me to succeed because they knew my tents were full so ultimately I failed again. But on my own terms lol.
Your leaves look cut right. When did you put them in the cloner?
Not too long ago. So I have the sprayers nozzles going and an airstone. Also added hydrogen peroxide as well.
I tried cloning gel liquid powder I tried putting in a jar like flowers I tried putting in the dirt all failed.
Using that cloning machine I only used aloe Vera the one time and I only used tap water and hydrogen peroxide opening and topping off add 1/2 cap of hydrogen peroxide every 3 days. Use humidity dome. And aloe Vera I think was the key other than the tiny life giving bubbles of the air stone. That should get you roots. I’m no longer any help as those powers don’t like me lol
Let me know when those root start growing you got this!!!
Will do
Can’t go wrong with the cloner , with all that airflow you are set for success , maybe some rapid start just to get rooting
I have a bunch of stuff already in there, you think I should add more?
Set it and wait 2 weeks
Nah keep it light on the products
I did it the old fashioned did not know better method.
Packed a starter tray with some good seed starter mix
Prepped and used cuttings like the one on the left. When first cut, put in distilled water with a little hydrogen peroxide (oxygen & sterilize)
I punched a little hole in the soil, dipped the cleanly cut stem in root hormone powder with a sprinkle of great white
I added a few more to the tray. Watered the cuttings in. Put them under a propagation dome. One month later. One cutting did not survive because I did not firmly seat the stem in the soil.
At that point they were transplanted into 6oz solo cups
What happened to the clones?
12 of them went into this 12 plant, single colas SOG / SCROG
And six are in the tent
Yeah I just can’t get them to root. I tried it that way, literally same exact way. They all died. Looked good for a few days then walked in one day all look like poop. I am thinking it was the temps in my veg room. 80° or so. I have moved them to their own separate closet, where it stays a little cooler. We will see if I can do it.
geez peeps, i dont know if i should feel bad for all your efforts with so little to show, or happy that at least its not JUST me. i am on my third round of trying to start clones. i still have enough seeds to keep me going for a while (i try to only kill, i mean grow, two plants at a time until i am better), so am doing it more for the experience. Part of the issue may be that i only take the cuttings from the lower branches that, although they seem ok, you know they are never gonna make it to the top of the canopy. but they all have a few nodes on them when i cut. i cut them and then just before i plunk them into the soil, i recut at a nice 45. i pull off all the beginnings of anything that will be buried and i bury them deep so there are usually 2 nodes under the soil.
I have found that i am FANTASTIC at keeping them nice and healthy looking. i dont even bother to trim the remaiing leaves anymore (used to cut half off). Looking at my log, i have 2 that are now over 30 days old and they look as if they were cut from mama 5 min ago. they wilted for the first day or so, then perked up and have looked amazing ever since. i keep them in solo’s under a cut off clear plastic bottle and mist the hood twice a day. If the soil dries, i give them a squirt, but they seem to stay barely damp which is what i am shooting for. (i am only using plain distilled or dehumidifier water for spraying)
So, they LOOK great, but haven’t grown a centimeter and i just have the feeling that if i were to pluck them out, they would look just like when they went in. zippo on the root side.
For my next “experiment” i will order some rooting gel and see if it improves my luck. i dont really want to pull the trigger on an autocloner yet as i dont have a huge need for clones at this point.
i just wanted to comment, just to share your pain. half of this process is to grow for my wife who has her card, but i would like to raise our own, the other half is just to learn and enjoy.
I also attempted clones in the past with ZERO success. Until THIS time.
A little over 4 weeks ago I attempted to clone my Gorilla Glue plants X2 just before I hit the
flip switch for flowering. I assumed that all my other tries were because I tried to take clones
from plants already in bloom. I know they say it can be done, but I’m not experienced enough
yet to perform expert methods. So I went back to the drawing board.
These were my steps in my first successful cloning:
1). Select a good candidate for a clone. (Took lower branches from each of the two plants)
2). cut them on a 45 degree angle at the stem, making sure they went STRAIGHT into pH’ed
water to avoid air bubbles in the stems.
3). I got two pots of very fine sifted fresh FFOF soil. (sifted out all the tree bark, twigs, and
other larger items in the medium)
4). Filled two pots (2 X 1 pint yogurt containers) and poked a hole in the middle where the
stems will go.
5). Put about .5 of a ml of powdered Garden Safe root hormone into each hole.
6). Scraped the hard surface skin from each potential clone before dipping into the powder.
7). Sprayed pH’ed water into each hole to get them ready for the clones, then placed each
clone into the holes with another spray to wet the powder, then backfilled the dirt.
8). I moistened the soil in each container before placing a dome on each container.(Plastic 1 Quart take out soup containers)
9). Sprayed each clone at the stem with water every 3rd day for about a week.
10). When I saw new growth, I took the domes off each clone for an hour at first, then double
the time I removed the dome each day following until they no longer needed the humidity.
Holy Crap I finally grew a clone!! (1 out of 2 isn’t bad considering one of the clones still had
a dry wad of clone powder at the stem base once I inspected why it didn’t root.)
To be honest, I never seen growth on a plant this fast before. Then again. I guess that’s
why people love super cropping because of the fast turn around.
In a day or two I’ll add it into a 3 gallon pot and wait for my chance to Mainline a plant
for the first time.
I hope this info helps someone because I can empathize with everyone trying to clone and
keeps failing. I tried 3 times prior to this and got nowhere fast.
Starting to be a pain in the rear. Might just say screw it and get some regs and make my own seeds.
Even if it doesn’t work. You still have to trim right? Why not keep trying because ultimately you will be cutting it off and throwing it out. I only want to learn in hopes that I could get an extra crop off of a seed. But either way I’m cutting those off to help the top of the girls.
I still have faith and will keep trying bc momma didn’t raise no quitter. Seriously though it has only been a few days I will keep trying and figure it out. Everything holding steady ph 5.8, couple drops of h2o2. Fingers crossed.
Here is my set up and my plan. I’m bored so why not. Cheapest on Amazon
Trim up your branch and scrape off the green from the bottom few inches for the roots. Mine are long so I will cut them down to fit the cloner.
Put in the holder
Dip the shaved end in aloe and put in machine and water and h2 o2 and rock and roll
We will see if I can do it twice… I have room to house them this time!!!