Any veggie, fruit or flower growers here to? GROW YOUR OWN FOOD!

Anyone else grow their own food? First time with zucchinis this year and boy have they been tasty!

Also read that the smaller ones around 4 inches are supposed to be sweeter. But some said it would be bitter as well. I can definitely say they were a bit sweeter! Also have peppers and green beans growing. With a few carrots and corn germinating Some beans should be ready to picking in a couple days.

Thought they were gona be bush beans but nope. They were pole beans. Growing way to damn tall way to fast so i had to use what i had to give them some support lol it was definitely a headache :sweat_smile:
Tallest one is 7.5 feet though i dont have a good clear picture of it yet.

What do you grow?
Happy growing :call_me_hand:


Don’t have any pictures of previous gardens and haven’t got one in the ground yet but big veggie grower. I like planting squash, onions, taters and maters. We got big tractor tires filled with manure and soil we grow potatoes in. Get so many we give em away. You hear anything about happenin to register your garden?


I tinker around with veggies


What’s that about :thinking:?


Good looking peppers :+1::green_heart:


Anything one can grow for survival is better than most store bought.

Knowing what you put into sure makes it taste better. Picking veggies that are smaller than the norm just ensures tenderness.

Never too old to try new tricks or learn new recipes in cooking healthier.

15 yrs ago, had first grilled zucchini with olive oil.
Never new asparagus was a perennial. We left asparagus plot of ten years that produced enough to blanch and freeze in vacum sealed bags.
It was about saving money when we were younger, now its just better, healthier, and rewarding.


I have some veggies. I wish my grow tent looked like my patio. Lol


Very nice setup.


Been a cool wet spring here so just now sprouting is lettuce tomatoes basil and watermelon. Im going to use veggie money and digging medicinal herbs to finance THE GARDEN in the future. Happy Growing. Terry


I have big plans for my front raised bed garden this year! I plan to have carrots on the far right side close to the edge of the landscaping blocks then i have asparagus around that and spaced over to the side i have 4 artichoke plants and a row of bush lake green beans. Once my perennial flowers die off im gonna cut them back and plant some brussel sprouts, cape gooseberry, and broccoli. My grandma gifted me some climbing summer squash but im not sure where to fit it in with all those crops lol. I love gardening beyond just growing weed. I dont have a picture of it now but ill try to upload one tomorrow morning


Yea the government wants everyone that has their own garden/grows their own food to register with them so they know that ur growing and what ur growing. Just another way to try and keep us eating all their poisoned food!
Everyone plants look so good! @TLC and @4204life . Nice raised beds 2 @4204life

I have had such a crazy germination rate with my veggies its ridiculous. Ud think id learn by now not to plant so many of tge same thing lol. I also sell a couple plants once they reach a couple weeks old. Easiest way to thin it out wothout wasting.

Im revamping my garden after i harvest everything. So sick of pulling weeds for 2years. Gona take care of that soon tho


@BigCat420 my broc has been in the ground for 90days now. I just cant seem to keep the beatles and catapilars off em. Let me know how that gooseberry grows if you dont mind. Im working on getting a bunch of different berry/fruit varieties.


Also can for sure say its far more rewarding eating what you grow. Or for me it is atleast. Granted not everything i have frown has produced. Some did some did not and a couple did extremely well. Just a incredible learn process. Idk plants are just crazy to me and how they grow. Their life cycle in general is just wild to me.


I took this year off from veggies. I’m still recovering from handling this girl last year, lol.
This is what happens when you give a Cherry Tomato plant Advanced Nutrients! I’m 6’ 1" and I needed a 4’ step ladder to pick tomatoes from the top. I had to add to the bamboo cage several times over the summer. I was expecting her to get big, but not to take up almost my entire deck, lol.


Holy cow! What a beast!!


The first cape gooseberry i plant i think got ate up. Something is munching big time on my green beans but they are still pumping out more leaves everyday. I absolutely love eating my own produce it just brings me joy going thru the whole process from beginning to end and getting to eat the fruits of my labor


Yea the bugs and pests are always a concern outside. I just plucked a couple green beens. Well 2 may or may not have been miss cuts :man_facepalming: lucky for me the bugs are only attracted to my broc plants and they leave my peppers zucchinis and beans alone.

Totally agree with you! Working hard to grow from seed to fruit and being able to actually eat it… man i tell ya it gives me a great deal of self worth knowing im caple. Just being able to do the little i have has made me want to grow everything that i would eat on a normal basis and even things i dont. If anything just to see how they grow. I know i have a few buds that would gladly eat what i wont :rofl:


I grow veggies too.


Beautiful! Home grown is the best :call_me_hand:


I have some peppers going and two tomato plants ill upload those later!