Another rookie question

How long into flower can/should I LST?

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I wouldn’t go more than a couple weeks after flip. That way buds can stack.

You can spread them out if you need, but i wouldn’t do much bending just because of risking breaking any.


If I use a trellis net do I undo the ties I’ve done?

I lst right up into the third week of flower


Using a net I’m learning myself and so far I’m a week into flip and want to look at a pretty canopy of nice bud tips last time I tried I did no tucking after the flip and had 12 in colas this go round I’m gonna tuck for another week still as I’ve been flower for one week so one more week of tuck to see how that goes. Dependant upon what u want tall or short colas I’d tuck for a week and a half to 2 weeks after u flip then leave it be til u need to clean the canopy of any unwanted leaves that are covering any good stuff. @AfgVet @Hellraiser do some beautiful scrogs if u need any guidance they will lead u I’m sure. This is who I learn from on the scrog part. @SilvaBack203 @Low @OGIncognito @ConcreteBudz all have nice looking scrogs going also. Good luck


Thank you 4 the tag but I haven’t tried scrog yet. I do lst or hst


My bad I thought u had one going also. Oh well I tagged u ur it


When the branches start hardening around week 3ish when the buds start to set.

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@NUG61 has a scrog going that looks really nice! May be able to give ya some tips. I’m doing my first scrog in a couple months, so I may be asking you for help @Lawnfarmer !


@Lawnfarmer …I started week 3 of flower yesterday…made one last tuck and will probably let go vertical from here except to keep things even here and there.


What size are your squares? They look bigger. Or are smaller more ones to congested?

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6" but 4" will let you tuck sooner just a little harder to work through.


As a rookie should I start with one layer or go straight for the dbl decker. Pro vs con?

I have a second trellis ready in case they get to tall or heavy it is there to help support them.If I think they are going to keep going taller I will set the second net and guide them through it…post a pic of what you have so far.

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Just getting ready to flip its a blank canvas

Trying to plan ahead



So I would probably set my net about 4" above the canopy tuck it for the first few weeks of flower. You can still pull them down later to keep the canopy even if you need to. Will shoot you a pic of that when I get home this evening.

@Lawnfarmer …you can still open up the canopy to expose more middle bud sites and keep the canopy fairly even…just pull them down to the desired height… without breaking them of course.


Nice, I appreciate the info thank you.

No problem :sunglasses: