Ak47 auto day 46 needs help

Hey guys and girls. Here I have a 46 day old ak47 that’s been doing great but now its developing brown rusty spots that’s been creeping to other leaves. When I first noticed I gave it some calmag about 2-3 weeks ago but I still see new spots coming up and my next guess was K deficiency and i gave it some about 3 days ago. It can’t be over feeding I think because I feed it about half to 3/4 gallon every 4 days ( feed, nothing, water, nothing, feed)

If you’re feeling it nothing but water as you said then you probably got a few deficiencies going on

… and Cal Mag “2 or 3 weeks ago” isn’t going to help you now

All those leaves are dead, and if you don’t feed it the plants very likely going to die

is there a reason you don’t want to feed your plants?

are you watering enough for run off?
has the soil been flushed for excess salt build up?
just checking

Hi. Yes I feed it about 3/4 gallon. I do see water draining everytime I feed her

I feed her but I think is not enough. This is my feeding schedule ( day 1 feed day 2 nothing day 3 water day 4 nothing day 5 feed) now that I wrote down my schedule it does seem like I am not feeding here enough. I was scared of a nute burn

I see I misunderstood, theres a moderator who’s really good at looking at a picture and knowing what’s up let me invite him, maybe he can help you ? @garrigan62

  • good luck

Thanks my friend


This is a pic of what I believe is your problem

When plants exhibit a Calcium deficiency the younger leaves are the first to show it as well as older leaves. The Leaf tips will die back, the tips may curl, and growth of the plant is stunted. The plant can show a weakness in the stems and branches, as well as a under developed root system that can lead to bacteria problems with roots dieing off. Having slow plant transpiration rates can aggravate the uptake of calcium. Make sure your soil isn’t very acidic, for calcium gets harder to be absorbed through acidic soils, Which leads to having a plant that is deficient in Calcium. The leaf tips, edges and new growth will or may turn a yellow/brown color that happen in spots and often surrounded by a sharp brown outlined edge and then the leaf tips die back. If too much calcium is given at an early stage of growth it can stunt the growth of your plants. Having to much of calcium will also flocculate when a concentrated form is combined with potassium. The parts affected by a calcium deficiency are the roots. Stem or petiole, young or old leaves.
Problems with Calcium being locked out by PH troubles

Very acidic soils with excessive potassium, dry and or wet soil. Lack of calcium in the soil may cause too acidic soil. This may cause to Mg or Iron deficiency or very slow stunted growth

Solution to fixing a Calcium deficiency
To fix a calcium deficiency you can treat by foliar feeding with one teaspoon of dolomite lime or Garden lime per quart of water, Or Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Calcium in them will fix a Calcium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Or you can take crushed up dolomite lime or garden lime in a gallon of water and water it in the soil. 1 to 2 teaspoons per gallon of water, which will be slow acting. Garden Gypsum, which is medium absorption. Limestone, which is medium absorption, Rock Phosphate and Animal wastes which are both medium/slow absorption. Note: Caution when using gypsum to an already acid soil (pH that is less than 5.5) can have a very bad effect on different types of plants by effecting the absorption of soil aluminum, which is poison to plant roots.

Hope this helps

Thanks for this great info. Also this morning by mistake I ripped a leaf that had a deficiency and when I checked the leaf again just now and now there is a big resin drop on the leaf

Reading this thread late…
How did your plant do after Mg treatment?

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@Code420tv how did you fare?