Think it’s time to start over with my feminized seeds I was doing good w these maybe my others will be female now I realize why not to use found seeds can waist alot of time that being said anything I can do with this male plant month old 1 week into flower save leaves for bubble hash or garbage?
Female plants that are fertilized don’t produce as much THC as non-fertilized plants, they put their energy into growing seeds.
So it’s not just a question of do I want seedy weed, it’s more like do I want GOOD weed.
Is it on one area, i.e. the two male parts? So maybe just cut it off and proceed to grow the plant? I had one male part on my current plant that appeared when the female parts were showing their gender, so I cut off the male part and haven’t had any more appear. The plant grew just fine, I’m actually harvesting it today.
I dont know a lot…just from reading, but just so you know, that plant will still produce bud. If its your only plant, then no reason to toss it. I was in the same spot, but i have 2 females with it, so i tossed it. You can carefully use an exacto knife on it to cut the pollen sacks off, but you have to catch them early so you dont chance them busting open when you do. I originally intended to do this, but i missed a couple and they were a good size, and i just got too worried id miss more until it was too late.
But if its just the one plant, all youre risking is it pollinating itself. However, from what i understand, once an mj plant is pollinated, it diverts its energy into seed production. If it does not get pollinated, it will keep trying to get pollinated by growing more and bigger bud, which in turns produces more thc. So definitely risky to keep it around others.