I switched to using maxi series from general hydroponics I’ve added to 16 gallon of water
Maxigrow 12tsp
Floralicious plus 8ml
Cal mag 50ml
Hydroguard 10ml
Super thrive 8 ml
I’ve probally added 5-6ml of ph up and still only at 3.8 I did check my ph meter and it is correct I just didn’t know if adding to much ph up to get it where I need to be was ok. I am also using ro water
I use Flora trio in ro water and it takes about 1/4 ml. To raise pH .1 per gallon so it will take 4 ml to raise pH .1 in 16 gal. Go ahead and add more @Fluffy
Thanks just wanted to make sure before I went adding a whole bunch. Also switching over to the maxi series only using 1/2 strength on everything my ppm went all the way from 400s to 1450ppm
How far along are you?
I’m about day 28 since I’ve put the autoflowers in the RDWC buckets. I had a bad problem with a calcium deficiency that stunted growth I believe but here is a pic of my best girl what do you think? I’ll get a pic in a second having problems uploading it
1450 ppm is high I personally wouldn’t use that much nutrients
It takes a lot of PH up to get the ph up. Only a few drops of ph down to get it down. A lot of ppms comes with the ph up.
Each ml of GH pH up if that’s what you are using in a gallon of water will raise ppm by about 10 points so in 16 gal. Of water 16 ml. Should only take it up 10 points so my math said you would have needed about 5 ml per gallon which should have brought you up 50 points
The high tds is probably at least partially to blame too. But it will take quite a bit.
Make sure you’re mixing well in the proper order too.
What would be the proper order?
Also after adding nutrients yesterday my ph was low and took a lot of ph up to get it to 5.8. Had my 571gph air pump with 4 stones in the water all night didn’t think about checking it before I added the new water to the system. Tested ph and was 6.5. Recalibrated the tester it was off alittle about .35. I have added quiet a bit of ph down trying to get it down and it’s not going down much. Should I just start over with new water?
Look around at manufacturer recommendations for what you’re using as far as mixing order goes. In most cases calmag first and silica last with very liberal mixing between each of those. Then some time to buffer before adjusting ph.
I’m definitely not a hydro guy, but that mixing order is important regardless to keep nutrients in suspension.