Help! I’ve got a lady in distress from needing nutes. I’ve mixed my batch up and I feel like I’m adding way too much pH up. After nutes my mix was 4.7. I’ve added like 14 drops of pH up, and it’s only reading 5.4. Is it normal to add so much pH up?
@Hellraiser @Covertgrower @MrPeat @Myfriendis410
Also if I shouldn’t be using that much pH up , is there anything else I can do to rise the pH? I mixed cal mag, big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom and stirred after each ingredient. Calibrated and recalibrated my tester. Have just under 700 ppms in the mix.
I would think all the bloom nutes is causing the ph to drop.
Although I’m not to familiar with that brand so please wait for others to reply.
What other nutes are you using?
How many gallons of water are you mixing? The more water your using the more ph up you’ll be using.
@HappyHydroGrower it’s the fox farm trio
@BooBooDaFoo added them to 1 gal of distilled water.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much as long as you get it to the magic number. I’m no expert or anything but i use a lot of ph down when I do my nutes as it sits around 7.1 after I add from 8.5(tap water). I add a couple drops before I check ph again and usually to get it down a point it requires me to drop around 4-5 drops per gallon stir and check again. I use the general hydroponics ph up and down. What type of medium are you growing in? You’ll want to measure your runoff as well. I would wait for the others to chime in though as I’m new to this ad well.
Good luck
@BooBooDaFoo I’m growing in fox farm happy frog soil. I had to put like 20 drops or more in to get it to 6.4 and I can’t believe it takes that much lol. But one of my plants was dying from lack of nutes so I had to do something. This is my second meter and I’m doing it exactly like I see everyone else do it. Just not sure what the deal is. I don’t feel like most people put more than a few drops to achieve good pH.
How far into the grow are you? I herd happy frog can take nutes earlier as opposed to ocean forest. I’m mainly doing coco at the moment but I too have 1 started in happy frog to start in and will be introducing ocean forest when it gets bigger to grow into. With the FF trio as well. Also speculating on the drop it could be the size of dispenser people use could produce bigger drops? I know people use the oral dispensers which would be a bigger droplet then an insulin syringe per say. Hope this helps a little.
@BooBooDaFoo im in about week 3 of flower. Mostly just been using cal mag. Long story short my old pH meter died and I had to order a new one. Amazon took 3 weeks to make an overnight delivery. So now I’m here with a dying plant definitely needing nitrogen at the least. I just can’t seem to get the hang of these nutes. Everything sounds simple but it just doesn’t seem to be working the way everyone tells me it does lol.
Cal mag since the beginning or to correct the problem? Let’s hope she can bounce back! I’m rootin for ya.
@BooBooDaFoo started cal mag during veg. Had some mag deficiency going on. I’ve got a grow journal going called sex, buds, and rock and roll but the damn nutes seem to be the one thing I can’t figure out.
Right on I’ll check it out. I’ll be following the trio schedule when I get to about week 3 at 1/4 strength and I’m hoping for the best. It also calls for a flush ever now and then and a water<feed<water cycle it looks like. I’m hoping all goes well. As for you I would feed. Check Run off ph and make sure your not dealing with a lock out or anything off.
Here’s a pic of the schedule.
Cheers and Good Luck

Try a 1/3 of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to 1 gallon. Add a little, stir and test. That will bring your pH up. Works for me and it’s dirt cheap
I use the trio also. Being as anal as I am, I take readings after each nutrient is added. You can see that grow big and tiger decreases ph significantly. The swings with distilled only is also much more pronounced. These are full flower doses. You must be at 50% given your ppm. This mix has a gallon of my tap water. Its ph is 7.5 and 250 ppm so it moderated the nutrients impact on ph.
I will post another
Here is anther set of readings
I added 3ml of ph up to bring ph to 6.18 and called it good. I use soil and try for ph of 6.5 or a little less.
My rain water has a ppm of 10 or so. You can see the ph is lower using this water mix as compared to having 1 gallon of tap water added
It always takes me more ph up with Bloom nutes than it does veg nutes. I have recently started using bluelab pH Up I like it a lot better doesn’t seem to take as much cannot explain why. Possibly a little stronger mix.
Baking soda.
@kellydans so as long as the water is good, you don’t stress how many drops it takes to get to the right pH?
@Covertgrower like a tsp of baking soda per gallon to raise pH?
Yes that is correct more important to me to be going in at the pH I need. Usually 6.5 PH
@kellydans alright, I triple calibrated the meter and everything so if the meter is good, the water should be good and the girls should be happy. If not…I guess I will know at lights on tonight