Hello everyone I was looking on some advice or help with my current situation. I used FFHF and FFOF both times I use the soil I found there to be bugs inside the soil . Is that a common issue if fox farm soil ? Also I was wondering if I can just create my own soil so that way I can avoid buying bags of soil with bugs in them .
It’s common with all soil if you don’t let it dry out. Fungus gnats will die off in dry soil. I’ve seen them in ocean forest but after a dry cycle, that was the end of them.
I doubt the bugs come from the bag of fox farms unless they somehow got soaked. The bugs are in your environment and you need to learn to deal with them.
You could switch to coco coir and mushroom compost , no bugs so far
Little silver/grey bugs moving around the top soil?
Exactly! Are those fungus gnats? @Konflict
This may be a wild guess to but are they springtails?
I had those in my last grow. i never figured out what they were but they didn’t affect my ladies from what i could tell. I used FFOF
Before you use the soil get one of those plastic storage containers and dump the soil in it, let it sit a week before use. If your overwatering your plants you will definitely get fungus gnats. In the picture seems like your soil is really wet, let it dry out, cannabis like wet/dry cycles.
How often are you watering?
What size pot is that plant in ?
I agree with you. Those look like springtails and they are good guys.
Fungus gnats look like a tiny version of a mosquito.
Has anyone ever had mold grow on top of FFHF while being stored? container was inside grow room in a rubber ware tote.
I did have mold grow on top of fox farm Light Warrior seedling soil Half of a bag after being stored. I tossed it ,went and got me some black gold i like it better anyway.
Was the soil dry before you Put the cover on? I leave the lid off a few days, let the soil dry completely before covering.
Yes, that’s what I concluded mine was. I put a couple yellow sticky cards in just incase. 1 fungus gnat on the card. Still believe those little bugs to be springtails and those do not hurt your plants. Ive heard the FFOF is packed full with good fungi.
@Dave101 I water every 3-4 days that photo was 2 hours after water . They are currently in solo cups going to be transplanted into 3 gallon fabric pots when ready
I dumped it straight out the bag into the tote then covered it with the lid.
Letting the soil dry out will help with your bug problem. If they are crawling around on your soil try putting some diamatacious earth on the soil and that will kill anything that steps on it. Hope that helps. Peace…
@Breezy that’s mycelium it’s a fungus and it’s in your soil on purpose it has a part in breaking down the organic material in the soil and feeds it to your plants.