Advice for a new grower, help!

Hello, I’m a new grower and I had a few questions about auto flowers and if it’s ok to defoliant them.


Autos are generally best off when left alone to do their thing. They don’t respond well to the various types of “training.” I wouldn’t defoliate unless light penetration and airflow are causing issues.


Welcome to the community @phife, @Nicky an @Not2SureYet are purty good at autos, what strain are you growing an how old are they.

@MidwestGuy that’s the way I also understand it as well


Even if they are super bushy? I just feel like the bud sites won’t get much needed sun. Also I’m getting some rust colors on a few of the fan leafs.

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Thanks for the welcome

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I’m growing blueberry autos, in a soil medium. She’s exactly one month old today and things have been pretty smooth, baring a little discoloration on a few of the fan leafs.

Can u get a pic of the whole plant in natural light, I’m on my first auto as well an don’t wanna lead u wrong but can help with discoloration


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Sorry about the quality, I really dont have any good lights in my basement.

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What are u using as nutes? An are you using cal-mag, an watering schedule sorry bout all the questions I’m looking for a ticket an that helps a lot

Welcome to the forums and thus the community!

Rust spots are calcium deficiency add more cal or cal mag, but ensure your PH is correct. If your PH is out of range then the plant can’t uptake nutrients.

There are auto myths out there so take them with a grain of salt.

Don’t defoilate Durring veg wait till you have fluffy bud sites post stretch. Until then tuck leafs.
How much stress depends on variables like soil or hydro/coco soil is slower growth thus slower recovery and more chance to stunt but you should defoilate it pays off even in soil just don’t go to heavy all at once.

Raise your light, your overloading them in veg so they are staying short and bushy you want roughly a 1inch node spacing. Give heavy light in flower not veg.

Thnx for the tag @Unknown! Happy new year


Welcome to the forum :grin: Nicky has you covered. From the picture you showed. It may very well be you splashed just a bit of nutes while feeding? That is an odd pattern. I will agree with my friend Nicky for this grow. If you keep the node spacing tight. You will get a smaller plant to deal with. I stretch mine a lot more. But have done enough autos to have an idea when to cut back. I stretch early to reach my scrog quicker. I will be tagging a long here with the others :grin:


Yeah man, like I said im using soil medium, as well as a cal mag, and general hydroponic flora trio, i go very very light on the feedings, id say one tablespoon of each to one half gallon of PH 6.5 water.

Right on Nicky, I appreciate the help. I gave it a good cal-mag watering today and see if it corrects the issue over the next week or so. I’ll keep you posted on the results.
Happy new year!

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Thanks for the heads up!

I haven’t done soil. But if you are talking about a table spoon of each of the food. That is like 3 times full strength :grimacing: So if that is what you are feeding. I definitely will be paying attention here. I am only able to get away with 1 tsp for a photo in full flower.