@AAA Bugs and dying leaves

What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed: Bubba Kush from Farmers Lab Seeds

· Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF: Organic Potting Soil With Nature’s living Soil

· Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths: Grow Bags

· PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable): 6.5-6.7

· PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable: Fox Farm Liquid Nutrient Soil Trio

· Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor

· Light system: The Sun

· Temps; Day, Night: N/A

· Humidity; Day, Night: Southern California Low Humidity

· Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: Outside Wind

· AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: None

· Co2; Yes, No: No

I don’t know what’s going on with my plants. A few days ago I found a couple of cricket nymphs in and around my plants. They munched a couple holes in a few of the leaves. So,I applied this stuff called “Garden Safe Fungicide 3” on them. It’s a 3 in one kinda thing. Didn’t work. So I went with a home remedy of water, Castile Soap and Vegetable Oil. That seemed to do the trick but I think it’s gonna call for more than one application. So, tonight I’m gonna whip out the spray bottle and go hunting. Also, if you don’t mind I’m having a few problems that I don’t know what to make of them. The bottom leaves on all my girls are turning yellow and some of the leaves are chewed up pretty good. I have a feeling I might still be over watering. I still have the ladies in 7 gallon grow bags and when I water I use a one-gallon plastic milk container to water with. Do you think a gallon per plant is a might to much? Anyway, I’m attaching some pictures and I hope you can see the nodes down around the bottom of my plants and how chewed up and yellow they are while; the nodes are growing in nice and green. The leaves around the bottom of my ladies are yellowing and dying. Could this be because early on these leaves had sustained some damage and are completing the dying process or perhaps it’s because I have continued being a bit heavy handed with the water? Maybe, it’s a nutrient deficiency of some type? I really have no idea what to make of any of this. I want to apologize for being so abrupt in contacting you all but you guys and AAA in particular have helped me so much in the past and I have complete confidence in the kind folks here. This place continues to be the #1 place I know of to get help. Thanks to you all and AAA too… Constipation


Those lower leaves are the ghost of Christmas past. Cut them off if they’re bothering you. New growth looks good but they’re exhibiting a little heat exhaustion


Plants look great. Lower leaves will fall off naturally.
And I agree, maybe a little heat stress, but it’s nothing the plants can’t handle. If worse comes to worse, you can just throw a shade cloth over them.


The tops are greem so it looks normal to me. If they keep yellowing you may have some issue. . outside the bugs will come . I would not worry much now .
Someone else may say you need to perform cpr or something

Maybe they can handle 25% increase of nitrogen watch the reaction closely you may be able to raise the amount if they respond in a positive direction

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I thought what you said about performing CPR was funny (Liked that) I have the girls in 7 gallon grow bags and when I water I give then a gallon of water. I’m starting to think that might be a little to much water, what do you think maybe half that much water?

You give each bag a gallon or split it 7 ways

I give each plant one gallon of water. Maybe I should cut back on the water?

Every day or every few days depending on a lot of factors climate ,sun and soil type it can be hard to over water cloth grow bags . I grow in large grow bags and pots up to 65 gallon smallest is 20 and i have a some in the ground. The girls in the 65 gallon pots may get a gallon of water a day if its hot they in full sun . They pretty much have grown enough to shade the pots so that cuts down on the watering .

yesterday My GF took this photo i transplanted april 28 they were about 6 inch tall just over a month ago

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So do you think I should cut down on the amount of water I give them at watering time?

Do you ever let them dry out to the point they almost start to wilt at the top leaves? You are going to have some expermenting and find your happy medium they will respond once you do

And which strain of weed do you have in the pots?

No I have never let them go that long without watering them. You asked before if I give my plants a whole gallon for each plant. Yes lately I have been giving each plant a gallon of water. Do you think that is to much? Also, I checked out the picture you sent and it made me really jealous. My plants are maybe 10 inches tall and they have been in the grow bag about the same amount of time as yours. Compared to mine you have trees. What strain are your girls? Mine are suppose to be Bubba Kush. Do you know anything about this strain? Can you give me any information on how to get them going. One of the other guys told me they were going to take off soon but I’m still waiting. I really think my ladies should be farther along. I wish I knew why they have been stalling out on me. One more thing. So far all I’ve seen is the main stem with the leaves growing off of it. When am I going to start seeing some branches starting to grow? When I was looking at the seeds I wanted to get, it said Bubba Kush was an easy strain to grow. So far I haven’t found anything easy about growing Bubba Kush but I’m gonna hang in there til the wheels fall off or should I say; "Til the leaves fall off. Anyway, hope to here from you soon. I really enjoyed your picture. Thanks

Sorry for the delayed response.
Super Silver Haze
Purple Wreck
Purple Paralysis
Blue Cindy
Blue OG
Cheese (breeder unknown)
Are what i am growing.My soil is a blend of composted chicken and cow manure with fresh rabbit manure big chunky perlite and some coco choir I only give them rain water and when I run out of rain water i give them pond water . I give them a dose of Great White . I germinated them in jiffy seed starter soil and extreme gardening mycos .

yesterday my super silver haze