A question from a fellow grower:
is it advantageous to put more than one plant in a single 5 gallon bucket?..after seeds are germinated, would one ever put more than one plant in the same container?..just curious, because I have never seen this question addressed…was figuring if maybe 2 or 3 germinated seeds were placed in same container, it would allow for the possibility of one of the plants not surviving…just a question, and though I think I already know the answer, I have to ask…I have a grow tent setup that is a 4’ x 2’ x 5’ tall, and basically I can put 4 plants in the grow space, because I am growing in soil in 5 gallon planter buckets…any help, or advice, on this question, will be greatly appreciated, I assure you. I am 62 years, and after buying my herb for all these years, I have decided to try it out for myself, with a small, 4-plant grow. Looking forward to any response you may have, regarding this question.