Hey whats up guys, was in the backyard and having a beer mixing up some nutrients and decided to make a video really quick. Well I didn’t notice I needed to charge my camera and had to make this one shorter and to the point. ANYWAYS I went out again after the video wit a tape measure and checked the huge plant and it is now actually 8 Feet tall and budding so needless to say I am more than happy haha. Anyways enjoy the day my people have a good one.
Geez man love the eye candy
Wowsers! Beautiful girls!!
Nice looking lady’s @Manny_FTGUTube , next video tell us what plant we are looking at please, other than that don’t change nothing.
Honestly these are all bag seed lol all random haha
Thank you very much
Thanks my friend! Definitely got bigger than I thought they’d be
I am having same problem, autos weren’t supposed to get this big. I thought. And I am inside. So what the heck, I cut one down tonight. It was her time to donate back to the cause.
I got two white widow autos that just sprouted out of the ground so hopefully within the next few days I can get them into their final 5 Gallon homes. Maybe I’ll even find a bigger pot but for now just growing in jiffy pots, till they get just a bit bigger, which autos are you growing? How tall are they in your inside grow?
Nice @Manny_FTGUTube Woohoo
Nice video bro
Your neighbor is going to be like wtf when you go into full flower with your garden the whole block is going to smell so yummy lmfao
Nice job great garden keep up the good work
Happy growing
OMG,first grow you said?
Haha she’s a real nice lady I’m sure she had already knew but now I’m positive she knows lmao Tha KS though cb I appreciate it
@Laurap yes ma’am this is my first grow, with the help of all the lovely people on ILGM of course!
I’d love to find out what you harvest from her. You’ve still got a couple months to go right? She’s a monster, you should be proud
I’d love to know what she’s going to yield too! Im going to hope to get at least 4 oz lol but honestly I have no clue what ballpark she’d even be in. She has bud sites literally everywhere on her though. I forsure am proud never thought I’d have a monster like that in my backyard haha but yeah I figure at least another month and a half just because she BARELY started to show flowers so I’d say maybe another 8 weeks
I think you’ll be way over 4 @Manny_FTGUTube
I’ve gotten way more from smaller plants hahaha
Your going to have pounds of bud when you harvest all those plants bro
Oooooh CB you just made me a happy boy haha I always try to be pessimistic so that when the time comes Ill be happier and more surprised lol even if I get at least 1 oz from each plant that’s almost a pound so I’ll be happy to have a few
Honestly I wish I would have topped or fimmed at least one but it was my first grow so I just kind of just wanted to see how it went without doing any type of cuts and I’m surprised it’s doing this well.
Your gonna need a separate storage room for your harvest! Wow, I’m at a loss for words. Totally awesome!
Dude for sure you did a great job bro they look super healthy
You’ll have one huge bug per plant plus smaller ones lower down
Next year try a scrog screen outdoors I have one going it’s going to yield me a boat load when harvested
It’s under a 4 foot wide by8 foot long screen
Would be at least 7 feet tall if not under screen
I know haha I have no idea what I’m gonna do lmao we’ve got a separate room that I’ll probably end up using just to dry and cure. Im going to have to go out and purchase another 1, or 2 or 8 crates of Mason jars lol. Thank you though laura I am too I’m just glad these things are green and alive lol
@Countryboyjvd1971 thanks man I tried lol like really hard haha just didn’t wanna over love them but I gave some nutrient burn so I eased up on the nutes a bit and Bam they came back nicely. Mmmm I love huge buds lol and I don’t mind having one huge arm length bud haha. Was gonna do scrog but just decided against doing anything this first run to see basically if I could even finish a grow. Man that scrog looks crazy! Is that just one plant right there?Holy crap 7 footer at least sheesh that’s nice right there bud!
@Manny_FTGUTube I understand now you know you can grow and there slots for you to try woohoo
Yeah that’s a monster cropped super silver haze
Here a pic of stem about two weeks ago it’s even bigger now hahaha
Your going to love it when you start training them you’ll get even more bud
Ever have any questions don’t hesitant to tag me bro