yA3Fz75Q9JrMKFhS4uKGD0kDR.jpeg)Can you obtain a cooler temperature bulb for your HPS fixture 2000 to 2200 to 2700 are really best in flower (more red) and a 3500 to 4000 would be a veg cct what watt fixture are you using will give you a lil better target light for life stage (more blue for veg)
Other then that they look good
You have them tied together , is that required
Our attempt to scrog them. My wife is the grower, I’m the smoker. Happy with the seeds from ILGM ! First time.
I really haven’t had much experience with autos but photoz in my travels work good scroging if you let them go in veg top them do whatever training you do but the netting should be around 2in sq and allow the netting to be around 12"- 24"from the dirt line then you fill your canopy and once you fil it out weaving you branches through as it grows flip it to 12 /12 and watch your creation
Good luck and they be look good
@Beebsbunny what questions u got would be happy to answer anything u got if I dunno I know some one who will