6 inch ac infinity inline in a 5x5 tent

Would a 6 in ac infinity inline be sufficient enough for a 5x5. Everything ive read give mixed results. Hoping someone has experience with this. Obviously the bigger the better but i am currently sitting on a 6 inch fan


I would get an 8" in a 5x5. I run an 8" in my 5x5. I don’t think a 6" would get the job done without running it on high. It’s more quiet to run an 8" and turn it down a bit. Let’s see if others have experience with a 6" and see what they have to say.


Thats my thoughts.


I have a 4x8 tent and use a 8” AC Infinity with the 69 controller and it’s awesome. I run it around 1/2 speed or higher if needed to keep temperature the same as outside of tent. I agree with the 8” then if you go a little bigger tent you’ve got the power needed. Good luck with your decision. They even make a window slide that the hose connects to so it can be funneled outside.

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I have an ac infinity 6” handling a 7x14 room and it can suck the door shut at full power. :man_shrugging:t3:

I’d agree with the above recommendations just to reduce the noise.


I’m in a 4x4 with a 6” ac infinity and wish I got the 8”.

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Nice grow room dude

Bit the bullet and purchased an 8 inch. Thanks guys