LOL some of those are in my hash press right now you gotta check out my thread call ‘new hash device’ …this thing is unbelievable!
Two thumbs up five stars pack your bags
LOL some of those are in my hash press right now you gotta check out my thread call ‘new hash device’ …this thing is unbelievable!
Two thumbs up five stars pack your bags
i will try this on a couple of plants this spring,i only have one seed of super hash and girl scout cookies autos.
I have so far had 100℅, on all clone’s, and up until 7months a go I had never cloned before. So I don’t know what I’m really doing, I watched a couple of YouTube videos and luck have it ,all made it so far , will be doing more clones very soon. @FloridaSon @Paranorman
I’m thinking of starting some mothers inside to have clones close to being ready for the Spring equinox.
ditto @FloridaSon i have some bagseed plants that are taking like forever to flower…lol i’m spoiled on fast autos now! they will be my ‘‘victims for experimentation !!’’
is that water with super thrive in it? or just reg water?
Well now I share as much as I can but my special magic-gravity rooting solution mix recipe is where I draw the line…!
No I’m just kidding you sometimes I use regular water sometimes I used tons of stuff including superthrive in it when I remember sometimes I pH the water sometimes I don’t but no matter what I do it doesn’t seem to change very much the outcome of roots a-popping…!
Ok bro I hear ya. lol
@Paranorman question about the trays in your picture in post 1. Did they come with that kit?
Would the regular small seedling trays work with the rapid rooters?
No everything is a hodgepodge of what I had from growing back in the last century and what I’ve picked up recently
I use anything in fact when I’m taking my cuttings I use an ice cube tray to hold my rapid rooters so anything you can stuff them in I should think would work
I put vermiculite over the top of the rooters to keep it wet dark and The Roots grow right into the vermiculite and that’s how I know they’re done, the key, imo, as it says on the bag of Rapid rooters is to keep them partially submerged in water
OK sounds good. I have some of the small trays like you get young veggies in that look like they’d fit pretty good. And you saved me a question on the vermiculite.
I’m still a bit away from cloning but I’m starting to get a better feel for the process.
I got that insert tray for like 5 bucks at Lowe’s (they’re all standard as far as I know)
…steady Heat (81*), steady wet and I would personally never attempt cloning without Takeroot cloning powder, I personally think 35 bucks for a cloning kit including a heat mat is the best investment a grower who wishes to take clones and start seedlings can make, as you’ll use it for starting seed as well
The take root and rapid rooters got here today and the super thrive will be here Friday.
I like your success rate and why reinvent the wheel!
Well now the bad news somebody I think it’s in this thread told me that they did the same thing with the same stuff and they weren’t having that kind of luck which was kind of a wake up call to me
I’m not doing anything different than I did decades ago but I never had success like this, not even close, I wish I could say it’s this or that but honestly I think it’s everything
…recently I’ve put an air-stone in which I think is useless and I also started to *pH my water which I never did before so obviously it’s neither of those but I don’t think they’ll hurt
Lol, I’m at a point now where I’m doing things that I don’t think ‘will hurt’ which doesn’t really make sense to me, but I digress. If you need some help or step-by-step just holler
*I pH it when I initially set the tray up, but now I’ve started to maintain pH is what I meant
I concur with the pH water. That makes sense I would think anything that minimizes shock?
The rest of it I’m good with. I don’t have a problem stepping back and letting others make the mistakes or finding out what works/ doesn’t work so I don’t have to. But nothing is a slam dunk. I’ve done some off site reading on the subject as well. It’s really a straight forward process.
I think alot has to do with cropping from a mother that is strong and healthy. And that may be the reason your success rate has increased!
I doubt the water has anything to do with it, it’s usually in the low sevens when left alone, I just started pHing it recently
Also my clones are virtually never not under water. The second I cut them they go right into a cup of water, then I put them on a saucer full of water so they are under water and then I scraped the last half inch on both sides of the stem with a sanitize razor blade, you want to see it turn a lighter green
you want to just scrape the sheath off the outside of the stem to allow roots to grow best, for solution to go in and to let it take up water easier, if any one thing that I started doing that I didn’t before it would be that scraping step
Am I just lucky, am I just lucky, as I just cut of the lower stems ,then cut on 45° ,do a little scrape up the stem ,dunk in cloning solution ,make a hole in seed raising soil in pot,and drop it In the hole push dirt around it so I stands up, then put it under lights on 18/6 for two weeks only Misting once a day ,then after two weeks move to final grow pH testing ,nothing bar what I’ve wrote
I’m having trouble with cloning, my previous grow was durban poison and it was my first time growing anything ,I tried clones twice and managed to get some root, but the first time they lasted 12 days and rotted , the 2nd time they lasted 2 weeks but looked like they dried up but it wasn’t dry,
so I’m trying it again with my gold leaf, this time just 2 clones, how long before I put them into the grow tent? I use clonex