So I bough my 3rd tent a 4-2-5 n jus got my ezhaust4" n it does not seem enough no negative pressure the walls don’t even enclose a lil… I have a fan in there with the exhaust but idk does anyone kno if ibneed to save up n replace the 4 with a 6 exhaust or is it OK there’s no negative pressure
Is your tent sealed or do you have an intake (passive or active)
Negative pressure contains the odor. So if odor leakage is something you can’t have then you’ll need a more powerful fan.
I have a exhaust fan n a clip on fan exhaust blowing out n clip bloeig round but the 4" don’t seem to have any power an some ports r open but that didnt matter with my 6" in my 3+3+6 tent
MyAC infinity 4” works perfectly in my 4x2 tent
Just saying if you have enough ports open you wont see the sides of the tent bowing in from negative pressure.
I’ve got a 6” AC infinity For my 3x5x7 and its plenty.
That’s crazy. Mine couldn’t even suck in a 2x2. It is now my intake fan.
I have a 4in in my 4x2 and it does the job. Make sure all ports are closed tight inside and out
I don’t use the 2x2 anymore. The 4” is my intake, the 6” is my exhaust. Have an 8” for my kitchen. The power difference between them all is pretty nuts. The 4” is like a calm breeze. 6” is like sticking your head out the window going 50mph. The 8” is like a F5 tornado.
Ac infinity has a 6 inch inline booster that works super well i get alot of neg pressure in my 2x4x5 has a speed control also. On amazon 28.99
Lmao. My cats look all kinds if weird when i turn my ts up to 10 it sounds like a jet ready for takeoff they start looking up at the exhaust vent like wtf is that. Ill have to video them one day and figure how to get it on here its hilarious
I have the AC Infinity S4, mines sucks in the sides too
OK now if I close all ports how will that pet in fresh air ??? Shit I got a 6" in m 336 n it kicks but with ports open now my plants r in flower some have nice buds growing n other jus starting should I seal up ports n jus let exhaust am clipvon run or keep some open… No answer is the wrong answer but I would like someone opinion