3 Weeks Old Autoflower Grow

I’m hoping you can see the pics now


Looks fine. The plant(s) could use a little more light.


Thank you, but I’d like to know why you’re suggesting more light


The spacing btw plant nodes is excessive, indicating inadequate lighting. You will have lesser yields without adequate light.

You can look at it 2 ways depending on your setup. Go for 200 watts of quality lighting per plant or ~40 watts per sq ft of grow space if multiple plants. The type of light can matter greatly, so if you want to consider more lighting, we can help you make good choices.

Light is measured in PPFD. The following are minimum recommendations. You can measure PPFD with the free Photone phone app.

Seedlings: 300 PPFD
Veg: 600 PPFD
FLowering: 800 PPFD


How high above the canopy are you placing your light?


Like literally 14in apart rn


Ok that’s good but you could still probably drop it down to 9", I’ve done that many times.


I just moved things around and measured light from canopy it’s 11 in away


She looks great. Nice green stem. I agree with @MidwestGuy She has stretched a bit there. What light are you using. And is it adjustable? I will do little plants on 45w when seedlings. I then go to 55w an 19" for 2 week olds and up. This is for my grow set up. I use scrogs. And want a certain amount of stretch to get to the scrogs a bit quicker. But I run a low light rather than more light for little ones like yours. You are off to a good start there :+1: Also, What strain is that. :grin:

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She is an auto Banana Purple Punch from FBz my issue in which I knew was coming is my light. Since this is my first grow everything is basically generic… I’m in a 2x2 24x24x48 tent from Amazon and a square 256led full spectrum light 110v just a generic light…

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Calibrate the number of plants you have by the space you have to grow in. You really can’t flower more than one plant in a 2x2.


@MidwestGuy is right. That is a 1 plant tent. And you need a good light for it. I am saying that because of the short tent height. With a good light. You can grow right into it. Some thing like HLGs 135 R spec would be perfect. Not real cheap. But one of my favorite lights. I have 3 of those. Do you have a link to your light. That will help some. I see others using the marshydro lights and do ok with them. I may have some bad news for you. I did a purple punch photo on a 12/12 from start. it was a 3 1/2’ plant. I have the same you are doing now. But have yet to grow it. I don’t want to ask a ton of questions right now. But I would advise trying to keep your node spacing tight and grow more of a bush than a tall plant if you can manage it. if not. I would think about making a cheap scrog to help keep the height down. :grin:

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I’ll add that in that space 1 plant will be far more productive (in terms of total harvested weight) than multiple plants.

The HLG 135 Rspec is a great suggestion. It is a 135 watt light that is an absolute minimum for 1 plant. I like to use 200 watts from a similar light for okay results. I personally run 3 HLG 135 Rspecs above each plant and get results like this:

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@MidwestGuy Sweet plant. :+1: I always forget to add. I only run 130 w per 2x2 area. For normal grows. Being in scrogs keep me to a set area. All my lights are HLG with the exception of my DYI light. i sold one of them. I have way to many lights sitting on the shelf now. I may have to think about selling a few. My room is now set. So I will not need more lights. A 135 light will cover a 30"x30" area with great results too.

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I should do as well. I had a big appetite for tents and lights when I first started. I’ve scaled back growing and I’ve got a bunch of 260s laying around now.

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And I bet you feel like having them. You should be using them all :laughing: I sold a full grow set up and am now down to just one extra tent. A 4x8.

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My tent allows 2 3 gallon pits that’s what I have rn my other stuff I will remove which are 6 dixie cups with veg’s…

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I’m not understanding the whole scroge term or what you mean


This is an easier picture to show. A scrog is so you can keep the plant flatter and not as tall. You tuck the branches under the lines as they grow.

A trellis net is above this. And is used to keep heavy colas from falling over. I have a few grows showing them. Bbut am not finding it right now. I set the second net about 10" above the first

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After much research and help from you guys I’ve made some adjustments until I can’t get a better light for her within the next 2 weeks… I just removed the rest of the plants added more soil to her past her 1st 2 baby petals. Put her closer to the light now she is @ 9in away from the light. Also FBz has a grow chart for her she’s at a good height and could be better tho but again I feel as tho it was because of this light issue… I have a strawberry auto growing to but she had fallen twice her seed was super tiny more like a runt but you know what they say runts grow up to be Super Strong she is a fighter she’s super small not as big as her sister but she’s fighting… again trail and error…

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