Hi, growing:
Autoflower: Gold Leaf
Age: 8 weeks from sprout
Medium: cocoa quoir perlite mix, dry amended with 2-8-4 4-4-4 worm castings and bone meal… top dressing and using cal-mag, sillica, and momouth6 in the waterings…
Started the scrog idea but had to move the plant shelves down last week(newbie planning flaw). So with the height and really having no room to spread m out anymore am just using the netting for bud support going forward.
So I guess my ?’s are:
How do they look for there age?
Three are kinda behind the taller ones I think(am I overcrowded?)
I was pretty apprehensive with the defoliation (scared really)… I’ve done a bit but dont want to effect the plant flowering, wondering if I should just ride them out now(there just seems to be a lot of wasted energy in the foliage?
Any help or opinions are greatly appreciated!
The foliage actually produces the energy for the plant. Trimming is really only needed for airflow.
Your plants look fine at a glance though it may be a little overcrowded. What light do you have and what size grow area?
I guess I mean, that from the reading I’ve done defoliation seems to be a way of getting the plant to not waste energy on the lower part of the plant during flower… that’s my interpretation, anyway…
Wondering if I’ve done enough as the lower foliage would not produce buds, I imagine?
72”x43”, there are 7 plants, being a newbie, didn’t really understand what to expect. Would think next grow I would do less.
The lights are 2-1000w LED’s.
As a total guess, those lights will probably do fair job covering a 24x24" area each. Probably close to 100w true output. I have 2 T-1000s that put out 150w each. No matter how many plants it takes to fill that 24x48" light “footprint”, the yield is pretty much the same. 3 plants would fill that space nicely. As for trimming, anything that is shaded under the canopy is less beneficial than foliage exposed to direct light.
So wondering in your opinion, is still ok to loose some lower foliage at this stage of an auto? I do have good airflow at both under the canopy and above. I also see a good amount of upper foliage that are quite big and block smaller bud sites from the light…
My method is to trim all tiny bud sites and leaves 1/3 up from soil and all leaves to 1/2 way mark. Do not remove more than 20% total leaf mass at one time.
For the upper it is best to tuck those leaves where possible but trim if necessary.
Your awesome… I appreciate the advise!
I’m just a hack who gets lucky sometimes. Hope it works out for you!
You have brought your questions to the right place! Sounds like you have gotten some solid advice. Happy Growing
Also wondering if anyone has grown this strain? Product instructions say these should be ready to harvest at 85 days, which is a mere month away. Do you think by the look of them they will be ready to harvest in a months time??
Autos will go from 8-14 weeks after a 25-30 day germ and veg cycle. 14 weeks was the longest I had one go, typically 10-12
Right On!
Looks like there could be more than 4 weeks left to me.