Week 5. All things look great. PPM out is 900. But this last feed I got double the run off I expected. I don’t believe I’ve run into this before. I have them in 10gal pots and feed about 5gal per watering. I typical get about 20% run off. I think I got closer to 50% this time.
The only thing that has changed is I put them in a larger tent with twice the light. All 4 are 90+% sativas. Fabric pots. About 50/50 peat/perlite. Anybody think the run off is an issue? Maybe I watered a couple hours too early? I can’t see that being my problem as I do weigh them. And I don’t think it got to hot.
This was the run off? If so that’s perfect in my world. They look happy and healthy
I’m meaning the actual Liters or gallons that come out.
I fed 60L…. Got 30 back… not 15 like normal.
Nothing wrong with extra run off but what was the run of PPMs and PH? Plants look super healthy and I don’t see any concerns
If your soil has dried back to much there could be pockets that are hydrophobic if your pouring your water to quickly it could just be running right through for the most part
I water half… and then the other half 20-30mins later.
But I did cut the tip off the wand I was using as the castings were clogging it up… and it’s like 4x as fast now. Maybe that first half dropped through the pockets.
Thanks for the input.
Yeah hearing that im going yo say the 1st half just ran straight through for the most part and didnt properly soak the soil like it should have i use a pump sprayer so i get even watering across the pot im also in living soil tho and are you putting worm castings directly in your water?
All on point. I do think my new wand might be the problem. And these are the days where 4-6 hours can make a drastic difference in the plants uptake. So I think 2 of them would have started to wilt in the next 2 hours if I hadn’t fed them… so I was probably in line there and with that new wand pushing water that fast… I’m sure that’s why I had so much more than I usually get. I’ll just have to dial it down a bit.
No. I compost tea a bit with guano & kelp. Let it sit and get soft…. Then I mix it with everything else.
Why not jusy top dress and water it in or use a tea bag to make your teas these imputs typically work best when mixed directly into the soil
Well… I feed a 3 part system as well… and the other adder on that compost mix i forgot to mention is molasses. So I guess it just a habit and part of my set up. Since I have to mix the molasses down with water anyway… I’ve always just made a mix and added to my 3part mix. That way all is even. And all my supply and water is mixed in a separate room so it’s always just seemed a bit simpler to mix it all together. My pump does a pretty good job of pulling the castings for the most part. I was using a hand blender most of the time… but if I’m mixing early in the morning… it’s loud.
But I may consider bags, thank you. I top dress outdoor autos… and my garden.
Had a sinular issue on one of my 1st couple of grows. Learned to reach down and “squeeze” the Fabric pot all the way around and break up the " troughs" that can develope in the soil. These troughs can drain the water right out of the pot.
I give them some good taps every couple waterings… I know what you mean about the pockets though. Especially after transplanting. It’s certainly something to look out for. And maybe I’m not ‘squeezing’ hard enough.
Truth be known i thought i was being punked but it made an immediate difference.
It takes a little extra time watering each plant but pump sprayers realy help eliminate the straigh run through when watering