So in second week of flower on the sour D. Been feeding bloom nutes, every other watering. Frequency about every other day. All of a sudden the girls are taking twice as much water before I get any runoff? The girls are looking very healthy and seem to be starting some nice healthy looking blooms. I have good soil, fox farms, not too compacted, 5 gallon pots, gravel in bottom 2 inches of pots.
So is this the norm? PH is 6.4, ppm in is close to ppm out.
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It’s normal for me as it’s happening to me too, lol. 3 1/2 weeks into flower and I used to get 25% runoff with 1 gallon. Now I need at least 1 1/2 gallon to get that runoff. My thinking is they are drinking up every ounce of water now that they are packing on the pounds.
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Pretty normal, lots going on right now.
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I thought, assumed or probably hoped this would be the response I would receive. Thanks for confirming my suspicion. I was worried I had done something wrong.