2nd grow, big plant

A few things I just read about food grade versus pool filter Diatomacious Earth

1…What is the difference between food chemical codex grade (food grade) and pool grade DE?

The difference here lies in the way that each type of DE is treated. Pool Grade DE is calcined, meaning that is treated with very high heat. This turns the silicon dioxide that is present in the DE into crystalline silica. Pool Grade diatomaceous earth, and most other calcined DE products, contain high concentrations of crystalline silica. In fact, some can range from 60 - 70% crystalline silica.

Crystalline silica is very dangerous and can be harmful to the health of humans and animals. For this reason, Pool Grade diatomaceous earth should NOT be used for any purpose other than filtration.

Most Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) diatomaceous earth products, on the other hand, are not calcined and are composed largely of amorphous silica. Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) DE products contain less than 1% crystalline silica and can be used in animal feed and for insect control. Food Grade diatomaceous earth, such as Red Lake Earth, unlike pool grade DE, is safe to be used around humans and animals.

2…Can pool grade DE be used for anything other than filtration?

Although Pool Grade diatomaceous earth is often cheaper and easier to come by, due to its high crystalline silica content, Pool Grade diatomaceous earth should not be used for anything other than filtration.

ONLY Food Chemical Codex Grade (Food Grade) diatomaceous earth is safe to use around humans and animals.

DE sold for swimming pool filters is ineffective for insect control because it has been heated and chemically treated. Much of the surface area has been removed and it’s more dangerous to breath in this form.


WOW thank you @Kabongster .ill be vacuuming very soon . and cleaning top to bottom after harvest as there’s no way now . to do so ,other than clean up floor under the plants with vacuum … WILL be getting food grade verrry soon … to replace . i originally bought it to use as parting dust in casting metal …so as to prevent mold halves from sticking together … then since owning it already thought What hell USE IT ,Bad idea …have lots and lots vacuuming to do uugghh .Hammer and thanx again buddy You May HAVE Saved Me Some Pain On This One ,NOW OR LATER DOWN THE ROAD …thanx for the research and answer so fast … Like PIG S but less words ha …Hammer


Wow! Someone who can use Google, LOL. NOw! Off the top of my head…

To further clarify. Food Grade DE is used as a filler in many foods.

It contains virtually every mineral on the planet. DE is derived from mining fossilized insects. Another name for DE Food grade Codex is fossilized shell flower.

Humans and Pets can take a TBS per day and rid you intestines of all worms and parasites. )(We all have worms and parasites in our digestive system For humans; you can mix a TBS in some yogurt. For animals, just stir it into their feed.

Fro now…


Oh yeah Brother; You better carefully vacuum that pool grade up before it causes you respitory (sorry sp.)issues, my friend :slight_smile:


I’m going to buy some just to eat it! After I google it some more though haha


That was a motivating factor in my choice :slight_smile: Due to the mineral content you will get an energy charge as well. No need for any more energy drinks. :slight_smile:

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BTW; I buy the 50lb. bag. Otherwise you pay a premium. I will be carrying this product in smaller quantities that are much more affordable than what is being offered online, when I get my hydroshop up and running. I need a stock clerk, LOL :smiley:


Where’s your shop going to be @latewood?

How much of the 50# are you blending into you’re smoothies? Lol

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The W3. I am attempting to set up a network that I had available to me about 5 years ago, before I got sick and was diagnosed with macular degeneration.

note: Always wear UV eye protection in the grow room.


And outdoors as often as possible. Don’t screw with your eyesight, people. I highly recommend investing in a pair of Ray Ban’s with polarized lenses. I’ve been wearing the same pair for 28 years.


I never knew grow lights were so bad for ur eyes, I’m outdoors atm, but Hope to transition indoors soon, prbly gonna do a lil bit of both. How much are these Ray Bans?

They can get pricey…but you need to ask yourself: How much would I pay to not go blind?

150 to 175 bucks can get you a good pair. They make them cheaper, but you really want polarized lenses. You wont believe the difference they make.

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Hopefully, with the money I save for not having to buy weed, I can get a pair. I don’t want to go blind anytime soon, still have to admire the looks of my bud.

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Update: 15 weeks tomorrow. Looking good, and growing really fast, responded extremely well to topping and there’s noticeable growth every day. She was looking down the other day so gave her a full dose (1 1/2 Tbsp of Miracle Grow all purpose) last night and really likes it, eating up everything I have to give. Moved to old spot in the yard, gets more sunlight. If only I did what I’m doing from the start, would’ve been much bigger.


P.S: she’s not drooping I don’t think, just really windy and there had been quite a lot of rain these past few days, so that might contribute to it.

@kabongster thanx i wish i had this info on the DE first… As basically bombed the inner and outer Areas With the stuff . its everywhere … and my GR uses a lot of fans to keep air in motion … only had this DE as a molding component … Solid info on this Many Thanx …DID i say TTHHAANNXX … Hammer .Hey it i looked like a nail …Really!!!

It was my responsibility…many years ago, when we had a pool, I noticed filter grade DE was a few dollars for pounds of the stuff…and I knew something about DE and bugs. I bought a bag of the filter stuff and dusted the corners of an outdoor shed. After, I read about the differences and never used filter grade DE for bugs again.

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Just wondering: When I experience a lot of rain, should I feed more frequently?

One top got me 10 more branches, luckily I topped about 5 times, sooo… 50 branches?