Liking the Nutes, even if they weren’t the best. With the topping and the addition of nutrients, my babe is really starting to branch out. Looked today at each internode about 1-2" of growth, and we’re talking about a lot of branches, here’s some pics:
are these all borderliner ??? also depending on the amount of lite your using 1 tbsp. may be to much to feed … id start with 1/2 that amount … best mite be feed 1/2 teaspoon per gal of water … less for your little ones …some times a little less is better Hammer
Yea if I were you, I’d give at least HALF of the recommended dose for your girls. Possibly even 1/4 of the recommended dose since it’s the first time she’ll be fed, and as you said the MG is full of N. @hammer said it perfectly
Yeah sounds like a good idea, I actually already fed her, but I used the indoor amount instead of the outdoor. It was only 1 teaspoon compared to the outdoors 1.5 tablespoon, I actually decided on two teaspoons. Why the huge dif between the in/out recommended amounts? I think she’s liking it so I’ll give her 3/4 tablespoon (1/2 recommended dose) next time, or maybe I’ll start with 1/3 the recommended? Damn can’t shake the habit of calling it a she, I don’t think I can stand it being anything else. It’s both my best and biggest plant EVER, and up rooting it will make me cry . Not to mention I’d have to uproot my clones to. The struggle of not having fem. seeds. Its too much of a gamble 4 me, just hope it doesn’t turn out to be a waste of soil. B4 I go, I was wondering if I can start a clone in 12/12 and take clones of that clone and do the same thing. Just wondering if I can do that during the off season, don’t like the sun dictating my every move. Also planning on starting indoors setup, can only spend about $200 on lights though, but hafta see if I can even get setup were in moving. Closet/box grow maybe?
Indoor nute dosing on big brand stuff is geared toward ladies feeding houseplants potted with a collection tray. Feeding outdoor, you are pouring nutes into a boundless supply of earth, and the solution will disperse into the abundance of soil.
So I’m guessing a 20 gal counts as an abundance of soil. Thanks for ur advice, it’s always welcome
What exactly do u mean by borderliner? The strain or no? Oh and I think it gets about 8-10 direct sunlight the rest us shaded by trees.
yes the strain borderliner EXTRM .Hammer
I’d still be careful with using the MG. I’m sure she looks great now, but too much and she can quickly become hurt from it. I’d start slow and go slow. But hey, do whatever you feel is right! This is how we all learn.
@Hammer; the strain is actually mango haze from Mr. Nice.
@ktreez420 : Yeah, Im just gonna slowly introduce more and more MG until i get to the recommended amount. And those last 2 sentences are pretty much what I’ve been doing since my first grow, along with KISS, those are prbly the best pieces of advice a beginner can get
Got any other pics of the Mango Haze @idek? It’s one of the next strains I want to order, that and Tangerine Dream haha. But my list goes on and on every day I’m adding new strains to my seed order!
@ktreez420 Man U must be drowning in variety! Actually most of my pics are already on this thread, but with more to come, and if u want to see a start to finish thread, I’m soon going to make one for my clones, which are also mango haze. Although I’ll have to wait till August to figure out gender of “mother” which would tell me if I’m gonna keep them or not. I would recommended mango haze, although u may need to go through a couple of plants b4 u find one with all the qualities u want, just what I’ve learned from other growers of mango haze. It would be more reliable to get a clone of a plant known to have desirable traits, but that’s up to u.
Update: Week 14 of veg. Recently started to have noticeable growth, starting to finally look like her age. Just added a little over 1/3 recommend dose of MG all purpose, she seemed like she already burned of her last dose, so added a lil more than 1/2 tbsp of Nutes. In the pic she’s a lil droopy but that’s because she got a lot of rain, and it’s at night. Looking better than ever.
1st photo is a size comparison, tht bucket is a 5gal with a clone in it.
Moved her to a dif spot in the yard with more sunlight, placed her so the small side can get some more light. Topping seems to have worked well, at each internode on topped branches, noticeable growth from 2-5" and there’s a lot of new branches! topped the bigger branches and will do the same to the smaller branches as soon as they grow some more.
Just wondering if this is complete and total bull shit. The Nutes I got say “guaranteed to not burn your plants”, something I laugh off at first. It isn’t actually possible for such a thing to exist, right?
if it’s not written there, I’m sure they mean “as long as you follow directions”
Lol I promise you if you put that whole bottle of nutrients into the ground you’ll burn the plant haha! That’s a funny claim to put on a bottle of nutrients!
Food Grade is fairly self explanatory. Pool or commercial grade is not safe for use on plants or to be ingested by animals and humans.
Food grade codex DE is readily available at amazon.
2 questions . first is CODEX a brand ???and second is food grade just as dusty ?? i have already dispersed the pool grade in my room and surrounding area, hasn’t hurt the plants luckly, didn’t put on them directly … mostly the floor , have had a BUG a fungus knat of some sort for YEARS … most sprays and such knock it back but don’t stop it …itll get into soil if in the room ,.But never on the plants or hydro system … so i used the DE i use for parting dust on molding metal .Molds. the DE i used does knock the crap outta them only seen 4 since , in 4 weeks approx. .and they couldn’t jump any more and don’t run so fast either … lol I will be getting Food grade codex DE soon … tho thanx Hammer
My thoughts exactly, I didn’t really believe in the first place, just wanted to see what u guys thought. It made me laugh too, I thought it was sooo funny.