So I have questions. This is my first indoor, and my first photoperiod.
Does this type of curling look like overwatering?
Does the brown spots on my leaves look like a PH problem?
Can I cut the curling leaves off now, or should I wait?
Please, any help would be appreciated.
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No, only remove leaves that are dead or dying.
Could be, how often and how much water are you giving?
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So I was doing 1/2cup every day, then I let it dry out and gave it a heavy feeding with nutrients right before topping it. That was a gallon on Saturday, after it started drooping I decided to wait to water it. The first 2” of soil is dry, but below that is still lightly moist. The soil is roots organic, fyi.
How long has she been droopy? Since sat?
I topped on Monday, gave it a little water on Tuesday, it started drooping on Wednesday. Maybe I am worried about nothing?
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No she isnt well, and looking at her im not sure I would have topped her. Plants should be very healthy before any hst.
It could be stress, It could be under or overwatering. Its super hard to say. If its been 6 days since you gave any water she is prolly thirsty. 1 gallon is far too much water for a plant her size. Id suggest starting with a quart and go from there. Watering 1/2 cup every day wasnt good for her roots. You want to make them dive in search of the water, 1/2 cup barely moistened the topsoil. Tell me a bit about the environment. What temp and humidity do you avg, what kinda lighting conditions is she under?
Light ppfd is 550ish, 75-80F, 55-60% rh. Light cycle is 18 on. She looked pretty healthy until Wednesday.
Way too young to top. Damping off is likely the reason for the curled leaves.
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Ive never seen a plant that wasnt a seedling damp off before. Nice catch.
@Canna-Cbus if it is damping off then this grow is a wash. Damping off is difficult if not impossible to fix. Even if you do the damage has been done.
@Myfriendis410 is a skilled grower and knowledgable beyond normalcy id trust his call. Maybe consider starting over but first talking to others about your technique to iron out the kinks.
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I would try raising or dimmin the lights a lil more. Give it a week and if no improvement pull the plug… put yeah she needed another week before topping.
There is new growth, the leaves are springy, and stems are firm. I think she has a chance. Her trunk is getting thicker. And she only been drooping for 2 days.
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Yeah try dimmin the lights a lil bit for like a week.take her down to like 350ppfd. Worst case you wasted a week best case the come back lol
I’d say she is not damping off, it long past a seedling. And she looks great today.
And the comeback queen is!!!
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I found a problem, I have remedied. My ph today after mixing the strive was at a 5. So the spots on the lower leaves are from ph burn. I adjusted the ph today to 6.5ish and gave here half the water I did last time, mostly in the run off tray. She does look better, the new growth looks great so I started a little LST today. The main reason I topped early is to control the height of this photoperiod inside my tent, I will be getting vitamin b for future tent training to help with recovery.
So, after breaking 1 limb, lst, and 6 days, I think it’s safe to say she is very happy, and very much living. My ph was off early on. Thanks to everyone who believed in her….lol. Jk, thanks everyone.
Was definitely not damping off