The way I understand it is through research they (or whome ever did the testing ) discovered an equivalency between the readings of the two meters (hydrometers and moisture meters) . At 10/12 % moisture content equals a reading of 58/62% Rh. After using both in two harvests now I have found this very accurate. It comes down to 2 different ways to Express the same information using two measuring devices.
Thank you sir for jumping right on that reply. I hope this helps the OP🤘
I believe you are incorrect. There is a direct correlation between the reading of 11% moisture content and the Rh readings as proven by simple experiments. Measured moisture content can absolutely predict Rh in a closed enviroment.
I had heard about it from you @Audiofreak but this explains things a bit better.
Lots of laughs above to, thnx for that this morning.
You may be correct, but I don’t follow the logic.
The moisture content of flower on the the first day of drying will be high, say 70%. Moisture content continually declines throughout the dry until it gets to 11% or whatever the target might be. RH can stay at a constant 60% as this happens. Therefore moisture content implies nothing about RH. RH can only drive how quickly the dry occurs.
Am I missing something?
I think it went down non-scientific, somebody get poking a bud with the meter, reading it and throwing in a jar to with a hygrometer. Keep back and forth until they found the right match. Just my thinking from what I’ve read round here.
Your statement of the Rh staying same 60% is not correct. If measured and correlated the 60% reading you mention would not stay constant but drop as the moisture content changes. The bags
Will release moisture down to about the 58/62% but no further and therefore moisture content as well.
I can see that it could vary in a closed environment such as a Grove Bag, but I stand by my statement in general terms. I don’t dry in bags, so I have no experience to rely on.
This has and is still being done by several members for just short of 6 months to a year now and all so far have had the same results. The jars cant maintain Rh without burping. The bags can due to the “Terploc” tech.
As I’m not a scientist I may not explain it as well as others but having stuffed 14 grove bags over 2 grows at this point at between 10/12% moisture content and every one reads between 58/62%Rh and still do. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck.
This bud bagged in March.
This bud bagged 3 weeks ago.
Both are reading 58/62% in their bags. They are 2 different strains. Zoom in and notice the tricoms on the older bud. Still sticky and tasty.
Nice, dense flower you have there.
Thanks . Kinda proud of the results (finely) these 2 grows are the best I’ve grown so far. The first (ww extreme ) 2nd is a Sugar Bomb Punch. Both stone the crap out of me. The latest is really getting aromatic and stinks up the house when left out of the bag and when smoked is is out of control aroma as I have to burn incense while smoking or the house stinks (good) for over an hour.
Thanks I’ve been learning and getting better each grow. I feel confident I figured out a technic that works for me and easily repeated.
What lighting are you using to get those results?
I had fluffy buds on my last harvest. I think it was due to poor nute levels instead of lighting. I run an HLG 260 Rspec over each plant.
That light was a game changer for me in my 2x4 tent. Need to improve my scrog technic ie: a more even canopy but that will come with more expierance.
Had similar issues before making changes in neuts and soil, I’m sure there is more involved as I made changes in technique and tools and meters as well. But end results are now fantastic.
I’m about to make changes too. I use FF and backed off the nutes to minimize necessary flushes last grow. It was a mistake. I’m going to switch to Jack’s for future grows. My current plant is 4 weeks into flowering, so I don’t really want to switch in the middle of a grow.