1st Outdoor Grow in Southeast Virginia - Help - Advice

My first outdoor, legal grow in Virginia.
Not ILGM seeds, as I purchased too late for this year.
Seeds obtained from a “guy” in Richmond.
Soil is mushroom compost from local place, with some additional bagged topsoil added.
FoxGrow organic fertilizer, have not fed in last 2 weeks.
Attaching picture of (2) girls, one that has been flowering for 5 weeks, the other only 2-3 weeks.
The older girl has some sweet thick buds, but I’m beginning to see some leaves turning brown.
I’ve used diluted peroxide to control mildew / mold, with some peppermint/dishsoap concoction for the bugs.

Think I’ve got another 2 weeks before harvesting the older girl, will be working on my drying room.
Any thoughts on the leaves turning brown? Too much of something?
Thanks in advance.


Could be she is nearing the end and is consuming her self. Nice looking cola’s


Good afternoon burgbowls… I’m audio in RVA area… and am on my first grow. I got this helpful picture from one of Hellraisers journals. It may be magnesium or zinc issue…? But like I said… im brand new. Hope this is helpful

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Hello fellow Virginia Growmie!!
Central Virginia here!

First time “serious” grower, so my expertise is limited to basically nothing, BUT I found this pace and the peeps here will help get you straight soon enough.
In the meantime here’s a little reading material from the site that might be helpful.

They recently redesigned the grow guides section of the site and unfortunately not for the better, but this link seems to still work.

BTW - What strains are you growing? Looking really good!
Have you been checking the trichomes on the older lady for amber? hat really tells the tale on the ripeness of the bud.

Good Luck and Happy Growing Everyone!!


Keep an eye out for bud rot… That kinda looks like how it starts. With cold setting in and humidity rising at night it’s a big problem right now. Dont take my word for it just pay close attention to your buds. Dont want them turning all brown and ugly. Are you still feeding her that close to harvest?

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@burgbowls I agree with @BradsBudsMT , also open the colas up and watch inside them for mold as well. As for the brown spots could be a few things, looks like some thrip damage, spray during sun light?

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I stopped feeding 2 weeks ago… very much a novice.

Yes, I’ve seen / got some bugs, pulled a few caterpillars… dish soap and peppermint oil has been used . Can one continue to spray this close to harvest?

Not sure about caterpillars, I haven’t had issues with them yet. As for soap I would not be using this close to harvest. I try to stick with natural preditors, such as lady bugs,and green lacewing eggs they hatch an eat alot, maybe someone else will chime in to help with something to spray, something organic I would think.

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Ahh, another Virginian… NW VA here. We love or new law. Perhaps this is useful:


Central Virginia first time grower too…my girls leaves look the same…I think several factors, thrips, fan leaves dying during the flowering process, maybe nutrients issue…I harvested one white widow plant and got eleven quart jars stuffed with buds from the one plant…


It’s called Leaf Septoria

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It usually follows mag or other defiencys

Thanks… I will have to work on my soil composition and get it right for next years outdoor grow !

I’m also in the Richmond area! Those buds look great!!! I just harvested 2 plants yesterday and have 2 that need a few more weeks. Happy growing!


Those are some thick buds. Well done, sir. Especially for your first outdoor run. Have you grown indoor before? I second the possibility of bud rot, Botrytis. You want to gently open the bud and look in by the stem where the leaves are discolored. I am on my first outdoor grow too in SW VA. But, I moved here from michigan where I did indoor for ~ 5 years. I am using Actinovate and black soldier fly frass in tea to boost my girl’s immune systems. But, these things by far work best as a preventative. Potassium bicarbonate is a good one to stop spread and control disease pressure.


What you are looking for when you open the bud is discolored calyxes and a web looking fuzz. Also good air flow is absolutely essential for healthy girls. This means not placing plants too close together and selective defoliation especially of leaves and buds that are near the main stem and on the inner parts of branches.

Just curious, how long did you dry before jarring?

Yes, indoors many years ago, luckily I didn’t burn down my house with all those lights in my attic ! Never had many issues with indoor growing, definitely a smaller scale. I like this outdoor growing, just need to understand all the external issues / factors that can effect the plants. Thanks for your input / feedback.

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I dried for seven days…I have a half bath with a outside vent fan running 24/7 and a small circulating fan on low for air flow… eleven jars out of the first white widow… Less from my og Kush just because it grew smaller buds, but it’s wicked. Still have one more white widow, in the pic and a super skunk just as big… yummy

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